#20 - His Birthday

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#20 – His Birthday

You’re currently lying in bed, thinking about the boy with piercings, colored hair and skinny black jeans. The boy who always makes you smile with his cheesy jokes and his adorable laughter. The boy who stole your heart. He knows about your feelings for him. One day you finally felt brave enough to tell him, only to get halfway rejected. He never said that he felt the same way or no to you, so you don’t really know what to call it. But one thing’s for sure, every day he tears your heart apart and then picks up all the pieces and slowly puzzle it together again, only to tear it apart the next day again.

You turn off the lamp on the table and turn over, trying to push the irresistible bad boy out of your mind so you can get some sleep. Why can’t he just give you a straight answer instead of playing with you? One day he flirts with you and makes you feel like you’re the only girl for him, the next day he acts like you don’t even exist. You know how they say girls are complicated creatures? You’re now pretty damn sure boys are the twisted, confusing beings.

You sigh and turn around again, on your stomach and press your face into the pillow. But at the same time boys are beautiful, funny and heartwarming. Like the one time he gave you that scarf. You smile of the thought. One day a few months ago when his color changing hair was red, he suddenly knocked on your door and gave you a beautiful, green, brownish scarf. He didn’t even say a word, just gave it to you and since that random, amazing day you’ve had it on every single day.

Wait a second. You quickly sit up of the thought about the scarf. He gave you a gift and people usually give gifts on birthdays or Christmas. You kick the blanket off you and feel your way in the dark to the other side of the room. Finally finding your phone and check the date.

Tomorrow is his birthday.

A lightning strike goes right through you. You almost forgot! You’ve had big plans for his birthday for a long time now and you had figured out the perfect gift too. But now it’s too late. You won’t be able to buy him that game before tomorrow after school. And then he has band practice, so he won’t be home before late at night and that’s too late for you because of your overprotecting parents.

Slowly lying down in bed again, feeling like shit. This was supposed to be the day where you were going to give him the one thing he has wished for so long, ask to hang out and celebrate and then confess once again. Damn, maybe you can buy the game tomorrow and give him it the next day? Better too late than never even though celebrating on his birthday would make it more special.

“Happy birthday Michael!” you hear girls scream the moment the punk boy steps into the classroom. He smiles and winks to them. Oh, how you wish he was your so the jealousy wouldn’t build up inside you. Michael is hot, like really hot, so it’s not weird that almost every single girl is drooling over him.

“Happy birthday” you smile to him as he sits down at his seat, which is luckily right in front of you.

“Thanks” he mumbles, not even looking at you. Your heart sinks a bit, so this is one of the days where you mean nothing to him and he just ignores you. You sigh and lay down on your desk, if he just knew what you were planning for him.

“Hey Y/N…” suddenly you hear his angelic voice speak up.

“Yeah?” you answer, meeting his beautiful eyes.

“What are you doing after school?” he asks you, looking down at his feet.

“N-nothing special” you manage to answer. Damn, you swear your heart is beating so fast and loud that he must be hearing it.

“Meet me at the football field; you know that one closest to my place”


“One hour after school or so”

“Ok, I’ll be there” 

Michael did just give you a chance to finish your fantastic plan. With red cheeks you smile to him before he looks away and at the teacher. You’re going to make this his best birthday ever and confess again.

A/N I wrote this in a hurry hehe, so I apologise if there's too many typos. Thanks for all the votes and comments, means a lot! So... part 2? x

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