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Love is 5minutes of pleasure,
for a lifetime of pain.
- Popo- OXB.

***Maddison's POV-***

We walked through Elijahs' front door and we were greeted by Alexander slouched on the couch passed out.

When he heard the door he jumped awake.

"Hey." I sat next to him.

"You alright?"

I rest my head on his lap looking up at him.

"Can we watch a movie?"

"Sure." he nodded and didn't ask any questions. "What you wanna watch?"


I took my phone out of my pocket as it rang.


I declined the call and saw some unchecked messages.

Stefan🙄: How's everything been back there?

I messaged back 'Fine' and threw my phone to the other couch.

For the next hour Alexander ran his hand through my hair while we watched the movie and I fell asleep sometime during the movie.

I was gently shook awake even if I just wanted to sleep I got up.

Looking up Alexander was looking at me with sad eyes.

Didn't take a genius to figure out Elijah told him.

"You hungry?"

"Not really."

"You have to eat. You didn't have breakfast."

"I wasn't hungry."

"You have to eat something."

"I just wanna sleep. And I don't wanna go to that stupid dinner." I took a pillow and hugged it on my chest as I lay down.

"I would prefer if you eat. Please?" he pleaded. 

I nodded giving in and stood up.

I got to the kitchen and saw Elijah dishing out the food.

"You alright? Had quite a nap."

I chuckled. "I guess so." I sat down at the table.

"Oh, no. Stand." he instructed. "You and I are going somewhere. I have a story to tell you."

I rose my eyebrows.

"And I am going to get you some ice-cream." Alexander piped in.

"Alright?" was all I said.

Elijah and I left and drove for an hour before coming to a stop somewhere in the forest.

"We're out here so no one would see us or eavesdrop." he explained coming out the car.

I nodded.

He took the bowl of chili he made as we walked through the forest in silence.

We came to a stop at a dark grey cabin with big windows. There was a rock trail leading up the the cabin. 


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