I Made a New Friend

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 ***Maddison's POV-***

After parking my car in the parking lot of the library I grabbed my bag and took out the books, so that they were in my hand. 

Afterwards I proceeded to walk towards the library.

Walking to the counter where Mrs. Kate. 

"Hey, Misses K." I said cheerfully notifying her I was here.

Mrs. Kate is a fare skinned woman. She is in her early thirty's and super cool. She owns tis little bookstore that I adore coming too. 

Its perfect really. Its big I'll give you that but filled with so many books. Its not always packed but had the perfect amount of people there. It was one of the places I would come by for some peace and quiet.

"Maddie! Hey. Come to drop off the Harry Potter books?" she questioned with a light smile.

"Yup." I then gave her the books, "Mind if I looked around? I know your closing in three hours, but I won't be long." I asked.

Normally I would come by her bookstore and stay for a couple of hours. 

Either I was reading here for some alone time or trying to find a book and that took forever sometimes.

"For you, anything Maddie." she smiled and I returned it gratefully.

"Thanks Mrs. K!" I softly yelled while walking towards the bookshelves.

After 15 minutes of looking I finally came across the perfect book. I read it already like five times, but what's one more. 

I grabbed 'Call Of The Wild' by Jack London, looking down at it smiling. I picked up my bag from the floor and put it back on my back. 

Turning the corner of the bookshelf to give Mrs. K. not watching where I was going. I accidentally collided with something dropping the book. 

I closed my eyes preparing for the impact of the floor. But it never came. Instead I felt a pair of hands wrapped around my torso. I slowly opened my eyes to and met a guy with a little taller than with, sky blue eyes and took in his physical features. 

He was hot I have to admit. He had a great body structure and his combed raven hair. He wore a black T-shirt that hugged his body perfectly, some blue jeans paired with a black leather jacket. He wore a huge blue ring on his right hand.

"I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going." I babbled and grasped ahold of this biceps trying to steady myself.

"Its alright." he smirked while looking at my hold on his arm.

"Call of the Wild, good choice," he said looking down at the book which was still on the floor.

"You've read it?" I questioned making my way out of his grasp.

"Yeah, its favorite book actually." he says while picking up the book. 

"I'm sorry about, bumping into you and all." 

"Its fine." he said then eyed me up and down. "You can bump into me any time," 

I raised an eyebrow at him and went to walk away. But he pulled my by my arm stopping me.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't checking you out. I just- aren't you a little overdressed for the library?" he stuttered but truth glimmered in his eye.

Sighing I retorted, "I actually have somewhere to be. Got to go before its too late." 

He released my hand to let me go and nodded sadly and looked down at his shoes.

"Its Maddison, but people call me Maddie." I breathed and held my hand out for him to shake.

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