Back to School

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Back To School

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Back To School

***Maddison POV-***

I was having the literal best dream ever. That I was on Team Flash and it was just starting to get better until my sister Elena barged into my room waking me up.

"Come onnn, Madddiieee. Maddie I know your up," she whined while tugging on my cover that I had thrown over my head.

"Leave me alone Elena. I wanna sleeeep," I argued back.

"Well no one told you to stay up till 2 in the morning watching Teen Wolf last night," 

I didn't respond and I heard her sigh before leaving my room. 

I exhaled relived. Its not that I don't like to go to school because I honestly don't mind. 

Its just Mr. Tanner and ughhh and I stayed up whole night watching Teen Wolf. 

But who could blame me I am on season 3 and Stiles is being possessed. I turned on my side ready to go back to sleep. 

Then being interrupted again by Elena walking into my room. She walked to the windows in instead and opened the blinds and letting the sun's rays hit my face.

"Come on El, we can go to school tomorrow. Just not today pleasee," I pleaded in my pillow knowing she heard me.

"Nope. First day of school. We are not gonna be late because didn't want to wake up!" she exclaimed walking towards my bed. 

I pulled the cover from over my head and gave her my puppy dog eyes. 

"No, that is not working on me this time," she said while shaking her head excessively. "Don't make me use the water on you." she threatened.

"NO, you wouldn't," I denied. 

She sat on my bed and said, "Oh really?" 

We had what seemed like an eye contest because neither of us blinked.

Me now woken up obviously lost because I was now starting to wake up. 

I blinked. "Ughhh, fine you win." I exclaimed while throwing the cover off of me. 

Walking to my mirror in my room, not spearing another look at Elena because I know she has a big smirk on it obviously gloating. She got up from my bed clapping her hands know that she had won.

She walked up behind me and said "Oh my little sister, I am gonna take a bath. You have been tasked with waking up Aunt Jenna and Jeremy." she said waving her finger around.

"I knew there was a reason you woke me up so early!" I shouted while picking up a book ready to throw it at her, but she was already gone to the bathroom I suppose. 

Sighing I looked down at the book I had in my hand. 

It was my first ever drawing book gifted to me by my Dad. I walked to my desk and sat down looking at the book. I opened the first page and my hand immediately darted to my neck. A smile made its way onto my face, as I look down at my necklace. 

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