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***Maddison's POV***

Damon's in the kitchen making dinner and talking to Jenna. While I am in the living room working on the spell. I'm almost finished. I know what I need to perform the spell and what I need to say and do which is slightly gross. But since no one can duplicate my spell I need something of mine that would work with the spell. Although its slightly.... not the most appetizing  thing ever it have to be able to drink it. Ughh. Ew. Oh and I upgraded the paper I was originally working on this spell with to a book. Not necessarily a grimoire. Just a book. 

And no. No one can open it only me. I spelled it so only someone of my blood can open it. And since I have no one else in my bloodline.... that means its only me. Maybe being the last in my bloodline has its perks.

Damn that's sad.

Elena passed going to the kitchen but I was a bit focused to say anything.

After we ate my mind was mostly focused on what I'm missing for the spell. I sat next to Jeremy on the couch as he played video games, my head stuck in the book seeing what I missed.

"Hey." he bumped my shoulder his eyes trained on the tv. "Take your eyes out that book for a second." he joked.

"Can't its important."

"What? Homework?" he paused his game looking over at me.

I sighed closing the book looking up at him. 

'I'm working on a spell. That's all I'm telling you.' I said in his mind.

His eyed widen in shock but I just winked and went back to my book. 

Damon joined us on the couch.

"You said you never played this thing before." Jeremy said focusing in the game they were playing.

"I'm a fast learner. Quick reflexes." he said and I glared at him only to find him smirking at my already. I rolled my eyes and fixed them back on the book in hand. This is really starting to frustrate me. 

Jere's phone starts to ring but he declines the call and went back to the game.

"Who are you dodging?" Damon questioned him.

"This girl, Anna. She can be.. uh, persistent."

"Is she hot?"

"Yeah. Yeah, but she can be weird." he shrugged. 

"Pfft. Hot trumps weird. Trust me." I looked up meeting his gaze and narrowed my eyes at him. Jere just chuckled.

The doorbell rang and Lena said it was Stefan and Damon jumped off the couch rushing to the door and Jeremy complained about him leaving in the middle of a game.

I just remained in my seat working on the spell. They'll fill me in later. 

I noticed that the important element being used in the spell I can also use that to kinda...... attach the spell to me in a way. 

At least all I have to do now is.... drum roll please.... I have to get the items and stuff needed to perform the spell and do it. And those may not be the easiest things to get. And hopefully it works. If it doesn't I may just have some... side affects. 

If the spell doesn't work my magic may be on the fritz for a couple of weeks so... no pressure. That's all I know for sure.

After a few minutes Damon, Stefan and Lena came back inside. 

"So I heard you found a really cool journal from back in the day." Damon sat on the arm of the chair. "Who else did you show it too?" 


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