The Dinner

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***Maddison's POV-***

I turned on my side of a bed that wasn't my own. Sitting up I removed the cover that was over me looking around the room. In the corner of my eye I spotted Damon on the coach asleep. I guess this is his bedroom. And I slept here. He slept on the coach. And I slept on the bed.

I leaned over getting my phone from his side table and quietly stood from the bed and made my way towards the door. I stopped at the door looking back at him. He looked so peaceful so calm at least compared to last night. He was kinda a mess. Mostly because he said he was anxious, nervous and scared and all. I wish he wasn't so scared that I would leave him. That I wouldn't ever wanna see, talk, or even hear his name. This is really a lot to take in, but with time I can get used to it. I'm not scared. This is just unusual. Its new. Different. I mean supernatural beings exist. I don't really know how I'm supposed to act. It's actually kinda cool. Witches, vampires... ouuu what about werewolves. I wanna meet a witch though. Oh, my. I know a witch. Grams. She keeps saying she's a witch to Bonnie and stuff.

I am however kinda grateful. I mean you don't tell just anyone your biggest secret. I like that he wanted to tell me. He was afraid too but he did. He was honest with me. I appreciate that. I do have some questions though. It will be crazy if I didn't asked him sooner or later. But I feel I may know the answer.

Bitting my lip I whispered, "Thank you for being honest with me." and I walked away.

I don't know exactly where I'm going. Umm... maybe to the kitchen. I mean with a house like this. The kitchen has got to be humongous.

I made my way to the kitchen opening the fridge. Luckily there was actual human food. Probably because they have an Uncle living here. Zac.

The easiest thing to make right now is pancakes so why not.

***Damon's POV-***

Waking up I noticed Maddison wasn't in my bed. Huh?? Standing up I made my way downstairs. I found her in the kitchen making pancakes. I leaned upon the door watching waiting to see when she will notice my presence.

"Good morning Salvatore." she said turning around with  a plate of pancakes, strawberries and raspberries I think. I didn't even know we had that.

"Morning." I said moving towards one of the stools and sitting. "Are you okay? Like with the whole vampire thing. I know what you said last night I just. Are you okay?" I rambled.

She moved and sat next to me with two plates with pancake and sat next to me. She turned on the stool to face me, "I'm fine Salvatore. I'm not gonna break. It's a lot but I'm not afraid. So I'm okay with you being a vampire. And your brother. I'm okay knowing that vampires and witches exist." she smiled. "Now. I made pancakes so before I go I have a few questions if you don't mind me asking them."

"No problem. Ask away." I said taking a strawberry in my mouth.

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Wow. Not what I was expecting when she meant questions.

"Umm... well-"

"So yes?"

Bitting my tongue I answered. "Yeah. Look Maddie I have made some very bad d-"

"Damon I'm not judging you. I'm just trying to figure out this.... new you.. the other you or the other side of you I hadn't met yet. So I'm not here to judge you. I'm just here to be your friend." I let out a sigh of relief.



"Well, I'm the same guy you met a few nights ago. I am kinda not really nice to my brother-"

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