Our little family

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                                 YOUR POV
It's been a week since we got back from our honeymoon. It was fantastic and I've never had so much fun in my life, along with having my beautiful wife with me. I was half asleep when I felt kisses on my exposed back. "Nat." I groaned. "Yes love?" She smirked against my skin. "Get off your heavy." I joked. She obviously didn't think it was funny as she sent a slap against my back. It didn't hurt but my head shot up to look at her. "That was extremely rude." I said before laying my head back down. "You called me fat." She shot back. "I did not!" I defended myself. "Liho?" Natasha called out to our black furry cat that we got together as soon as we can back. The little fur ball came from off the floor and made himself comfortable next to her. "Didn't Y/n call me fat?" She asked the cat. He just meowed and laid his head on her. "Not you taking her side!" I shouted at the cat. He just hissed at me before looking away. "How do you know what he said?" Natasha asked curiously. "Did you not understand him?" I asked confused. She shook her head 'no' while chuckling lightly. "Then why do you talk to him all the damn time?" I deadpanned while sitting up fully. Tasha had one of my shirts on and it was just a beautiful sight. I couldn't help but let my eyes roam around her body in the moment. "I don't know, for fun I guess. But do you actually understand him?" Curiosity laced in her question as she pet the cat. "I can hear his thoughts." I responded. She just hummed before carrying the cat with her and out our door. I quickly scrambled for my clothes because no offense to Tasha but her cooking just wasn't her top skills. I threw on a shirt and boxers and shorts and found Natasha grabbing the stuff for pancakes. We both love pancakes a lot and normally we would have whipped cream with them but we used it all for other things. "You hate my cooking that much?" Natasha blurted out as soon as I came into her view from the stairs. "I do not." I responded genuinely. "There is nothing wrong with your cooking." I reassured her before wrapping my arms around her. She had her back turned towards me while she was putting all the ingredients in a bowl. "Then why every time I try to make breakfast you are quick to do it yourself?" She sighed deeply. I didn't want to hurt her feelings but it obviously meant a lot. "It's just sometimes things end up a little crispier than they're supposed to. Or a little on the bland side." I confessed sheepishly. She scoffed and got out of my grasp and moved to start making the pancakes. "Don't be sad Tasha. I said sometimes, not all the time." I defended myself. "Well sometimes might as well be all the time because you never let me cook." She shot back. I didn't want her to be mad at me so I decided to just let her cook. "I'm sorry." I apologized. She stopped and turned to face me with a look of guilt in her eyes. "No it's okay. Thank you for being honest." She responded before walking towards me. Natalia wrapped her arms around my neck and gave me a quick kiss. "You should probably get actually dressed since Clint is going to be here soon and so is Wanda and Maria." I groaned as I nuzzled into her neck. "Can't we reschedule to hang out with them tomorrow?" I mumbled into her neck. I felt her shiver which made me grin against her skin. "No because I know you miss the kids. And besides I already agreed to a girls day. No one has seen us in over 4 months." She argued. I groaned in defeat before letting her go so she can make us breakfast while I go get ready for the day. Once I finished the food was ready and it honestly a little under done but it was good. "See I'm not a bad cook." Natasha grinned while I was washing the dishes. I laughed lightly and turned to see her praising herself. "It was good. Thank you mi amor." Her cheeks turned a light shade of red and I couldn't help but laugh at how she got flustered over a compliment. Not even 5 minutes the door busted open to show a very happy Wanda and an unamused Maria. "You guys are back!" Wanda shouted. "We should start locking our doors." I grumbled to which Natalia only laughed. Wanda hugged Nat first which honestly hurt my heart. "Um excuse me!? Why the hell did you hug her first?" I questioned while putting my hands on my hips. "Oh come on Y/n. It's not that serious." Wanda protested while walking my way. I moved out of her way while still giving them a hurt look. I turned my head to Nat who was trying to stifle her laugh. "What's so funny Mrs. Romanoff?" Raising and eyebrow at her while still trying to avoid Wanda. Maria was just watching this all go down with a smirk on her face. "Now you know how it feels when the kids hug you first." She deadpanned before moving to Maria's side. It just hit me how I forgot that the kids always hugged me first. But honestly I was their favorite because well who wouldn't want me to be their favorite? I just sighed before walking towards Wanda and giving her a big bear hug. "You're such a baby." Wanda grumbled. "Shut up before I suck you dry." I shot back without even thinking. I immediately moved away from her and lowered my head. Nat was definitely glaring at me and Maria didn't even try to hide her laugh, while Wanda was a blushing mess. "Dirty mind motherfuckers." I flipped them off before grabbing a blood bag from the fridge. Maria made her way over to me and gave me a side hug. She honestly wasn't a big fan of the whole PDA thing but I'll take what I can get. Especially since I'm married now she's toned it down on the snarky remarks. "You're so dead later." Nat's voice spoke to me in my head. It's been a while since she's done that it caught me by surprise. "We'll see." Winking in her direction. She just rolled her eyes at me and I smiled at her before turning to a frowning Wanda who quickly smiled at me before turning away. What was that about? I asked myself before brushing it off and plopping down on the comfy and expensive ass couch we have.

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