I Still Care

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Two and a half years had passed and you guys had taken down Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve and Y/N had rescued Bucky and made a new friend named Sam. Natalia and Y/N still weren't on the best terms even though Y/N saved her life twice. None of you worked for an organization anymore except for the avengers. All of you moved into the Avengers tower which was rebuilt to be bigger with more space.

It was 5am and Steve, Sam and You all go for runs in the morning. "Who ever loses has to buy breakfast!" You stated as you all stretched before you started. After the whole Hydra take down you became yourself again and not this robotic soldier that happened 2 years ago. Steve had forgiven you for not telling him about the whole thing because it was for his safety anyways. Sam had become one of your best friends as well and he was an amazing guy. Him and Bucky didn't get along very well though but it was funny. "That means I'm buying breakfast again..." Sam stated rolling his eyes. Steve and you couldn't help but laugh and nod your head knowing it was true. "It's ok Sam I was planning on buying anyways." Sending him a wink and getting ready to start. You heard Sam scoff and Steve chuckle before they both got on either side of you. "Ready... set...Go!" You obviously took first and Steve was about 20 feet behind you and Sam was about 10 feet behind him. To be nice you decided to take it easy on them and not go full speed which caused Steve to catch up with you but not enough for him to pull forward. "What do you say we lap Sam?" He breathed out as you both continued at a ridiculous pace for normal people. "You're on Capsicle." You chuckled as you both picked up the pace leaving Sam in the dust. "On your Right!" You called out while passing Sam. About a minute later Steve did the same, "On your left!". "Oh come on give me a break!" Sam called out to both of you which made you laugh but you were probably too far away for him to hear you. All of you finished your run well at least you ran unlike the other two, you all sat down around a tree. "Hey Y/N are you going to talk to Nat?" Steve questioned while leaning back on the tree. Panic rose inside of you because you and Nat still weren't on good terms but she didn't absolutely hate you either and neither did you. "I'm not sure... she seems content right now and I don't want to barge in again and ruin that." I stated while getting up and dusting myself off to avoid talking about this. "I think you should talk to her before Bucky does..." Saw commented while also getting up from his spot leaving Steve on the ground. "What do you mean before Bucky does...?" Slight panic in your tone which caused Steve to sigh and get up to face you. "Bucky likes Nat and we haven't told him about you and Nat yet... she seems to find interest in him as well." Steve said while looking into your hazel eyes with his icy blue ones. "Well who I am to stop them from being happy. Let's just go back home." I stated with absolutely no emotion in my voice because I honestly didn't hear what they had to say. I still cared yet I was too stubborn to admit it.

                              STEVES POV
After our run Y/N bought us breakfast like she said she would but she didn't get anything for herself which caused me to raise suspicion if she was doing ok. Pretty sure after telling her that he best friend and the love of her life were getting together broke her but she wasn't going to let it show. After all she wasn't selfish and cared about others more than herself that's why she never told me or Nat what was going on. She wanted to protect us and make sure we were safe and she put herself at risk by doing so. We all got in Y/N's car because she loved that thing like it was a pet which made me laugh every time I caught her just admiring her car. Surprisingly we made it back to the tower in one piece, Y/N could do many things but driving wasn't one of them I'm surprised she even has a license. As the elevator open we all stepped out to reveal Nat and Bucky in a heated make out session and I turned away out of respect and embarrassment and Y/N stayed glued on them. Finally Sam made our presence known by clearing his throat. "OMG HOW LONG HAVE YOU GUYS BEEN STANDING THERE!????" Nat screamed as she hurried and got off of Bucky's lap. "Long enough. But don't stop on our account." Y/N stated before making her way to the fridge to grab a blood bag. All eyes were on her for a moment and she knew it which made me internally groan at how awkward things would be now. After a long awkward silence Bucky spoke, "We should get going..." grabbing Nat's hand and dragging her out of the room from the awkward tension. "Real smooth Stevens." Sam joked as he went to grab a water bottle from the fridge. "Sam not-" "At least I have self control to not make babies on the couch infront of everyone" Y/N said cutting me off. Sam and I shared a look but of course Y/N must've read our minds because she spoke again before we got the chance too. "I don't want to hear it. I don't care... She can fuck whoever she wants and so can I." With that note she walked away and I took a guess and thought she was going to the training room to let off some steam. Sam and I were left there dumbfounded about what just happened but we all knew Y/N was still madly in love with Nat and the only people who didn't know were Nat herself and James Buchanan Barnes.

                            NATASHA POV
After the whole interaction in the living room Bucky and I decided to watch a movie and cuddle. He was comfortable and nice to lay on but Y/N was all I could think about after what happened. The way she responded seem odd like she didn't even care about what happened. "Nat?" Bucky called out which seemed to break me out of my thoughts. "Yes Buck?" I responded trying my best to seem like nothing was bothering me. "Are you alright? I asked if you wanted to go out to dinner tonight and you didn't respond..." He stated while stroking my back with his hand. Of course something was bothering me but I wasn't going to tell him, "Yes Bucky I'm fine sorry for spacing out. I'd love to go to dinner tonight." I replied turning to look up at him and give him a peck. We finished watching a movie and I noticed Bucky was lightly snoring so I took the opportunity to go find Steve and talk to him. At first I checked his room and he wasn't there so I asked Sam and he said check the training room. So I made my way to the training room to see Y/N punching the shit of of a punching bag and breaking it. I'm guessing this was the 5th one already because she groaned in frustration. This caused me to laugh at how she always took everything out on a bag that never did anything to her. "What'd the bag do to you?" I questioned while walking towards her. She barely spared me a glance before continuing less harsh this time. "It broke just like the others." She chuckled to herself while still going at it. "Maybe because you're 100 times stronger than it dumbass." I scoffed which made her stop and look at me. Now I've got her attention which was all I was looking for anyways. "What do you want Nat?" Coming out harsher than she intended probably because by the look on her face she instantly regretted it. "Well since you're here I came to apologize for what you saw and secondly I was looking for Steve." I responded while trying to be subtle about checking her out. "Oh well thanks... I don't know where he is at the moment." She chuckled and looked down at her hands while unwrapping them. After all this time of acting like a hardass for 2 years to keep us safe she finally went back to her humane ways. Y/N saved my life twice but she also broke me so I didn't know what terms we were on and we just never talked about it. "It's ok I'll go look for him." I stated turning back towards the door but before I could leave Y/N popped up right in front on me. "Natalia... I'm sorry for everything. Can we at least be friends...?" She hasn't called you Natalia in 2 and a Half years so it caught you by surprise. You thought about this for a moment before finally coming to a decision that you missed having Y/N as a friend. "Yes I would like to have my friend back." Nodding me head before walking past her again. I left to find Steve with a smile on a face knowing that things could begin to get back to normal and I could be with Bucky and still be friends with Y/N. After all I still did care about Y/N but Bucky filled that whole that Y/N created.

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