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Hello everyone

I'm back with another chapter

I apologize for the late update. I had a high fever, but now I don't feel too bad, so I decided to write a chapter.

Let's get started

Sanskar was holding Ragini in his arms. He then put her in his car and made her sit on the passenger seat. Meanwhile, he also set up beside Ragini and started the car.

R : Sanskar, where are we going?

S : To keep my promise to you.

R : Promise? Which promise?

S : Ragini, watch your excitement now, you'll learn everything once we arrive.

R : But Sanskar in the night. Can't we go in the morning?

S : Oh my Kumbkaran, I think we can go in the morning. However, that would not be romantic.

R: Oh, I see... Wait What? 

S : Why do you always react so late?

R : Thanks to you 

S : me? What I did

R :What you did, you are the sole reason for everything. Why do you always shock me? You can't make excuses. Why do we always talk about romance and kissing.

S : What to do? My wife is so beautiful that I cannot stop myself.

Ragini blushes as she listens to this.

S : Woah......I did not see a glare, so I guess some things are changing. 

R: Nothing like that don't think about it too much. And what was that there inside. I don't know why you didn't tell me about it.

S : I never told you about it, and you never asked me.

R : So you're saying it was my fault Sans..... No, it's not Sanskar, but SM.

S : It's your fault, of course. Well, you have no right to blame me, because you never tell me anything about yourself. You should be glad you didn't discover that all through a stupid diary.

R : Are you making fun of me? and don't dare to speak a word about my diary.

S : You have never shown me the kind of love that you are showing to this diary. The day will come when I will rip it apart with my hands.

R : you know wha....

She was about to continue when sanskar taped her mouth. She widened her eyes and glared at him. She tried to pull it through her hands, but Sanskar taped her hands as well as relaxing on his seat. Ragini struggles to open the tape.

S : Don't struggle wifey, you will get tired and you know how much I care about you. I also promise your family to protect you, so remember that.

Ragini remembers this and pouts. While she stops struggling. 

S : You ruined a wonderful moment, you know. While I was so romantic, you were ready to fight me. Now sit there until we arrive at where we need to go.

They reach their destination after some time. The tape is opened by Sanskar.

R ( shouts ) : WHAT THE HELL!!! How dare you bring me here like that. I was right, you are a monkey. You are a stupid monkey who doesn't have a mind. Once we get home, I will complain about you to Ap Ma. You will be punished by her. While landing on the planet, you seem to have forgotten one thing, which is your sense of humor. God, you should give him some time and then leave him in the ground. Seeing him, any animal can claim that they are better than humans.

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