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The episode starts with ragini's shocked face and sanskar's smirking face.

After a while all the people left from there and there were only gadodia's , maheshwari's and sanskar's friends there.

The hall is full of silence. Everybody still are trying to come out of the shock, that is when they hear a voice.

Person : maa...

They looks towards the voice and gets shocked seeing swara and laksh standing there holding hands and having garlands around their neck.

They are perfectly seemed like a newly married couple. Looking at that ragini gets shocked as she know that what this will lead too. And now she is cursing her fate.

Ap : Laksh, What is going on?

L : ma.. actually when i was getting ready for marriage at that time sanskar came to me.


In laksh's room,

He was getting ready but his face shows no happiness as it is gone back than only when he gets to know about swara's disappearance. 

There are many questions coming in his mind some of them made him sad while some of them make him angry.

At that time he hear a knock on his door, he sees at that direction and finds sanskar standing there confused.

Sanskar comes to him and asks him in confusion.

S : Why are you getting ready ? Swara is not here na.

L : You did not know. What all happened?

S : What do you mean?

L : wait i will tell you.

He tolds him everything from swara disappearance till raglak marriage talks.

Listening to it sanskar make a fist from his hand in anger knowing that ragini accepts the marriage proposal.

S : You don't have to do this marriage?

Laksh looks at him in confusion and says : What do you want to say sanskar? Say it clearly, You are making me confuse.

S : You don't need to be confuse laksh. I don't think you should do this marriage because......

L : bacause...

S : because i know where swara exactly is?

L : What?!!

S : Yes , laksh i know where she is and now you don't have to do this marriage.

L : I don't care , wherever she is. She don't love me and all that was just acting because if it was true she will never leave me waiting for her sitting in mandap.

S : Laksh, you are not getting it and if you get to know where she is now then i am so sure that you will be so worried for her.

L : really then tell me where she is ?

S : she is in the HOSPITAL.

Listening this laksh gets shocked. All those bad thoughts now goes away from his mind and the only thing left is worry.

L : hospital...but why?

S : because she gets into an small accident when she was coming in the marriage venue. Thankfully she did not get soo much injured but she s still taking rest there. She was even telling me to come here but i stopped her and told her that i will come here. From the time i was disappeared, at that time i was with swara as i saw her when i was coming to the venue.

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