DIVORCE : Dissolution of marriage

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Hello everyone

Let me share another fun chapter with you

Let's get started

While they were all lost in thought, a voice was heard.

"What is happening"

All look towards the voice to see Ragini standing there.  Mahaeshwaris looked sad, while Gadodias were guilty. Ragini gets confused seeing their emotions. She has decided to leave Kolkata but before she leaves, she wants to come here as she promised to return. She wants to show them that she stands by her promise. 

When Ragini saw the diary in sanskar's hand, her eyes grew wide. After quickly approaching him, she grabbed the diary from his hand. Sanskar glanced at her while she bit her lip in tension.

It doesn't matter what happened lately, she still looks cute. A smile spreads across his face before he realises that the situation is so sad.  

Sanskar thought, "Stop your foolish thoughts! Focus on the situation. This is not the right time."

Her gaze swept over him as she inquired about whether he read the diary. She decided just to ask this question.  " did you read it " She asked him, attempting to assure herself that nothing had happened while she was gone. 

Sanskar glanced at her as he asked, without answering, "are you going," so he is sure she isn't going away from him. 

Ragini confirmed now that he had read it. She was terrified of the truth coming out. How could the secrets she hid all these years ever come out like this? Her attention was drawn to other people who were staring at her. There are many questions they would like to ask her. There are those who are sad and those who are guilty. 

As she sighed, she realized that there would be no change now. It was obvious that the truth had been revealed and she decided not to answer their questions. They did not deserve being answered.  

"You must have many questions you would like to ask. Ask whatever questions you like, but I cannot guarantee that I will answer them." she said hoping not to lose her strength.

They all looked at Swara when she began to speak. Swara did not say much, but she asked one question. Why?

Ragini smirks at her and looks towards her.  This is the same question that I have always had, but I have never received an answer, so don't expect to receive an answer." She replied mockingly.

"I know that I was a bad father, but I promise you I will make everything right from this moment on." Shekar said.

"Surely you will make everything right, isn't it?" She asked . Although she noticed his guilt-laden tone, she didn't give much thought to it.

" I'll try my best " Shekar replied after hearing her question.

"Then, start making my mother appear here again right now, can you do that?" her voice was raging in anger. 

All jerked except sanskar as she roared into the air, while shekar stood there looking down. Because he knows he is not capable of accomplishing the task. 

Ragini smirked at his guilty expression. 

Ragini sneered with a slight hurt evident in her tone of voice, "you can't fix that.".

" You cannot fix a thing Mr. Shekar Gadodia"  she exclaimed loudly.

As she took a deep breath, she calmed herself. Then, she began walking towards her room. The others became confused, while sanskar held her hand and prevented her from moving. Her face was filled with a bit of confusion as she stared at him. She raised her eyebrows to inquire what it was.

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