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Hello everyone

My return brings another exciting chapter.

Let's start before it's too late.

A new episode begins with sanskar reading the diary.

Many chapters show her missing her family while on the other hand, she seems happy with her new family. One chapter took place when she was 13 years old.

Dear diary,

Today is my 13th birthday. There was something terrible that happened to me today that made me hate my own family specifically my father. They all celebrated my birthday in the way that I always want. While I would like my father to make such arrangements for my birthday, I am not as lucky as I would like to be.

Until I read something that shocked me, I thought it was a good day. My only hope is that it would be better if it were lie. However, it is now the biggest truth of my life. Here's what I get to know.

Since I am now 13 years old, I can now read my mom's diary. You know what she used to do when she was a young child, she would keep a diary and write about all her sorrows, like i did with you. Since childhood my grandmother , my mother's mom. When she treats her, she treats her like a house daughter-in-law rather than her own daughter. What she should do at her husband's house was told to her by her. Thus, she has always been caged like me, and I know what it is like.

During her college years, she met two of her closest friends. SHEKHAR GADODIA and SHARMITHA BOSE. Yes, my father, but that other lady I do not know. It was my mother who fell in love with my father. My grandmother chose my father for her as her groom. Shekhar Gadodia told her that he loved someone else, which caused her to call it off. She was delighted until he told her to reject him. However, she cannot oppose her mother's decision. She still tried, but it didn't work and they got married. She felt sad because he never accepted her. She made a big mistake by thinking she could get a love mother love from PARVATI GADODIA. As a result, she treated her like a daughter in law but never took the role of mother. 

Unfortunately, she was the same as her mother who always caged her. As their relationship was not growing, PARVATI GADODIA told her to have a child. I was born then, but nothing changed. The only person in the hospital for my birth was my mother while shekhar Gadodia was somewhere else. Although I always receive motherly love, there was a time when I craved for his love which I now don't want. Let me tell you why.

 During my sixth year of life, my mother suffered a heart attack. Her situation made me so tense. In order to save her life, we took her to the hospital. In addition, she was only there for one year. As soon as I turned seven, she got better. Yet again, she gets a heart attack. The reason for this was unclear to me. The reason is now clear to me. The reason was SHEKAR GADODIA and SHARMISTHA BOSE. You know what, when she came to tell him that, she was perfectly fine. They were sitting close to each other, holding hands. They were discussing the future of their daughter when she collapsed, having suffered a heart attack. It was them who saw her and assisted her in becoming a patient. However, she was not feeling well this time. She was exhausted from fighting. As her breathing increased, she died while taking a promise from me that I would remain strong regardless of what occurred.

When I saw her photo with my mother, to my shock, it was the same woman who was in my house that day when it was decided to make me go to hostel. Therefore, the child due to whom I am suffering is my step-sister. Swara Bose changed my life from the moment she walked into it. I hate her.

You know how much I hate Shekhar Gandodia and Sharmistha Bose. In addition to SWARA BOSE, my main beef is that they took my mother away from me. I hate them all.

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