Chapter 18

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===Sylvie POV===

Erica came back in, her cheeks red.

I raised my eyebrows and she pointed to her necklace.

I silently 'aw'ed. Zayn got her necklace back for her!!

He is way to cute.

"What?" Louis asked.

"Zayn got Erica's necklace back for her! He's such a sweetie!" I told him.

Louis nodded, "I'm pretty sure he has a major crush on her."

"Awww!" I said, "That's soo cute!"

I mean, come on. They were the cutest couple ever.

"Yeah, but Harry does too. He just doesn't want to tell Zayn." Louis said, jerking me out of my thoughts about Zayn and Erica, and making me look at the curly haired boy.

Now that I looked at him, I could tell that he did like Erica.

"Why doesn't he tell Zayn?" I asked.

"Well Harry always gets the girl, and he knows how much Zayn likes her, so he told me he's gonna 'back off and try not liking her.' But I don't know how that's gonna work."

I gave him a quizzical look, "The way he's looking at her says other wise."

"Yeah, I know." Lou said, before throwing some chicken at Harry for who knows why.

"Hey!" Harry yelled, looking at Louis.

"I was aiming for Liam." Louis said innocently.

"Sure you were." Harry said, smirking, "Look Lou! A giant carrot!! Behind you!" He said pointing behind Louis.

Louis turned around to look for the 'Giant Carrot' and when he realized there wasn't one he turned around to be greeted by a ketchup packet hitting him in the face, ketchup exploding all over him.

I stifled my laughter, while Niall was practically crying his eyes out.

Louis glared at Harry, and Harry shrugged. Louis picked up another piece of chicken, about to throw it at Harry, but Liam interrupted.

"Boys. We are guests. Please behave like gentlemen." He said, giving me the 'I'm sorry, I wish I didn't know these people' looks.

I shrugged, took a piece of chicken off of Louis' plate and threw it at Liam's face.

Everyone stared at me, and before I knew it, I was in the middle of a full blown food fight.


Once we had finished out little food fight, Niall complained that he was still hungry, and everyone else was complaining about how bored they were.

Sorry to burst their bubbles, but I'm not an entertainer.

That's their job.

"Hey guys! How about we clean the kitchen up?" Liam asked, "That's the least we can do."

The boys groaned, but nodded. Erica got up to help but Harry pushed her back down.

"You can watch us clean, we aren't making you clean." He said. Erica Reyes to argue, but Harry and Zayn glared at her. She nodded an slumped back in her chair.

***20 minutes, of watching the guys clean, later***

"I'm borrrreeed," Louis said, "Play with me Sylvie."

I snorted, "Go play with yourself."

He frowned and faked sobbed into Erica's lap.

"She doesn't like me!" He wailed.

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