Stefans humanity

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"Hey Caroline.. Mind heading in front of us. I need to talk with Kai for a second.." I asked her, she nodded and left with vampire speed. I turned my face, facing Kai. His jaw was clenched. His eyes were full with revenge. I gave him THE look. He then sighed.

"You don't know what I've been through to be the Gemini leader. I've  killed so many people and my only goal was them. As I thought I killed them, the coven put them in Clarice" he said. I could hear he tried to stay calm and be gentle, but he was furious.

"It's Caroline, and Baby... I know what you have been through and I'm sorry. But look at the bright side. You will be the leader for the next 22 years. Isn't that enough for you?" I whispered, hoping he wouldn't be mad.
"You don't understand" he hissed. "Then enlighting me!" I hissed back at him. It made him sight. "I just wanna be powerful. I have felt weak and useless for 21 years of my life. I finally get the power and you're telling me I can't keep it. You know... I actually wanted it to be our kid who would be the next leader" he said as he looked at me. I didn't know how to react.. The concept in it was cute, but giving birth to a pair of twins and then make them kill each other 22 years later.. NO.

"Kai.. We're immortal. I can't get pregnant.. "

"But Caroline could?" He said with disappointment in his voice. "It was by magic. The babies were forced in her" I replied. He nodded with a sad look on his face. I hugged him. I liked the fact he wanted to have kids with me. It was an amazing thing to know...

"Let's go meet the others" I said as I rubbed his back. He pushed me away. "Why are you treating me like i'm a baby"  he groaned at me. "Because you are" I giggled. He then shoulder bumped me. "MY baby" I added to the sentence. He pulled me in and kissed me. We then started to walk towards the house.

Damon's POV
I had just finished making pancakes, and Bonnie were feeding the babies. Then the door burst open. "Guess who's back" Caroline yelled with exitment. "I don't know, uh wait. It's you. What a disappointment" Stefan said as he entered the kitchen.

He stole a couple of pancakes and squished them into his mouth. Ew.

Caroline looked mad at him and then looked at me. She rolled her eyes and went over to her babies. "Hey Josie, hey Lizzie!" She said with a baby voice. Lizzie and Josie giggled and stretched their arm out reaching for Caroline. She lifted them up on each side.

"God. Are they supposed to grow this fast?" She asked. It was true, they grew faster than normal. They were the size of 4 months old babies. I shrugged and then she leaned up against the kitchen counter still holding the babies. "Well he didn't sound super excited to see me" she whispered to me.

"I can hear you, you know." Stefan said as he threw an apple at the back of her head. "Ouch! You could have hit them!" She hissed at him. "Wouldn't have bothered me if I did" he replied.

She rolled her eyes and groaned. "Anyways. Y/n is back! I just met her. She will be her within a minute." Carebear suddenly said.

My stomach suddenly twisted. I was scared she was still mad at me.

"Yeah, yeah. You guys always say stuff like that but she never really comes back-" Stefan said depressed. Yeah his humanity is off but he clearly misses her. Then the door slowly opened and I could her footsteps enter the house.

She then entered the kitchen with Kai, they were holding hands. I didn't mind it. All I could think about was her being back. I couldn't believe it. A tear trickled down her cheek.

"I'm back" she said with a fragile tone. I ran towards her and hugged her. Luckeliy she hugged me back. Within a minute she had hugged everyone (Me, Jeremy, Matt and Tyler). Expect Stefan and Caroline.

"Y/n?.." Stefan suddenly spoke up. I could see he was fighting the urge to turn his humanity back on. "Go on, turn it back on" I said. He blank one hard time and as soon as he opened his eyes, he ran towards me and hugged super tight. A little too tight. I had trouble breathing.

"It's good to have you back" he whispered trying to hold tears back. I hugged him shortly again. "Now let me hold my baby nieces." I said as I walked over to Caroline. I know Caroline and I weren't related but she was like a sister to me.

She handed me one of the girls. She had a purple little bow on. "That's Josie. We named her after Josette, Alaric wanted her to be named after her mother" I could here Kai gulp but he went over to me and pet Josie and the head like she was some kind of animal. Josie giggled. "You can hold her if you want to.." Caroline said as she looked at Kai. I smiled at her and then went to face Kai. I offered him Josie but he refused.  I gave him the come onnn face. He then took her and I could see he was sceptical in the start.

He jumped a little with her and she started giggling. "She likes you" Caroline added. It made a smile appear on Kai.

"Well technically she is my blood related niece. Maybe that's why" he giggled.

"I don't think that's the reason. I just think she finds you sweet. Kai.. I can already feel you have changed. It means a lot to all of us" she smiled at him. He nodded and a smile plastered to his face as he started gently blowing wind on Josies face.

Caroline handed me the other baby. "So what is this Angels name?" I asked as I bopped my finger on the baby's nose.
"Lizzie" Caroline answered.

"In honer for Elizabeth Forbes" Stefan added to the sentence. I looked at Caroline shocked. "I didn't know she had passed away. I'm so sorry Care" I told her as I made little jumps to keep Lizzie happy. "No, no, no. Don't worry about it. It was a long time ago, you were busy.. keeping an eye on Kai and  all the prison world problems involved. Don't blame yourself. It's okay" she answered trying to cheer me up.

But I felt bad for her.
I gave her a small smile but it was hard. It was hard knowing I was having fun with Kai while she lost her mother. "Well I love the names for these pretty angels" I added trying to make the conversation brighter.

"I'm still sad over the fact we don't get to have kids one day" Kai suddenly spoke up. It made everyone look at him. I don't think they expected him to say that. "Same. I'm getting baby fever over this. Maybe we should adopt." I giggled. The others were still staring at us like we said something  that didn't make sense at all. "No, I don't wanna adopt. If I ever got the chance to have children,  it has to be a mini you and me." He smiled at me. It made me blush, the fact he said this with everyone staring at us.

He the  walked over to me and kissed me. We gave Caroline the babies back.

Heyyy remember to vote and comment <3 This is by far the longest chapter. Stay tuned for next chapter.

You're Mine, Forever - Kai ParkerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu