The Kiss

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Okay but i just uploaded  3 chapters the past 1 hour. pleaseeee vote and comment.

This is what yall been waiting for, their first kiss.


I felt so bad for Kai. He had been through so much, and no-one was by his side. I had this urge to hug him, and luckily he hugged me back. 

We sat there for a while, and then he started to slowly pushed me away. 

"I have no idea why you are so sweet to me, after what I did to your friends you should hate me. You can't pity me, I'm not a good guy Y/n" he gave me a small smile. 

"Kai I think you are a great guy, people don't see through you. But I do, you are so hung up on your past. Revenge is your only goal, but I don't blame you for that. I have killed one I loved because they hurt me, and when I did so I didn't even feel bad. So, Kai I do understand you want revenge, and nothing can change that. I'm still a little mad you got Elena involved, but my mother was in the deal as well." I told Kai as I smiled. 

I moved closer to him on the bench and then I swung one of my leg over his. I now sat on his lap, face to face. I took my hands and rested them on his shoulders. I looked into his blue and grey-ish eyes. We sat there for a moment; he was so pretty. 

I had the urge to kiss his soft looking lips. I then looked at his lips, and he put his hands around my waist. He pulled me closer to him, and we kissed. 

I was surprised that he also wanted to kiss me. I kissed back and it was a short but passionate kiss. 

I slowly backed away from his face. 

Our lips were only inches apart now, he leaned in for another one. And I of course gave in. 

As we kissed he stood up with me wrapped around his body, then he began to walk inside, without breaking the kiss. He walked towards the couch, which I made into a double bed before running out on the porch. 

He then threw me on the "bed" and gave me a smirk. He bent over me, and I sat up leaning in for another kiss. 

We made out for a while. Then Kai stopped. He smiled at me. I gave him a smile back. 

"Why did you st-"he put his hand over my mouth. "Someone is coming" He replied. 

Oh no. I could hear someone coming from one of staircases out of the two we had. I used my vampire speed back up to my room. As I was in my room I used my vampire hearing to hear what was going on downstairs.

"Hey SteFAN. What are you doing up so late?" "It's pronounced Stefen. But spelled S T E F A N. and why are you even up Kai?" 

"Well, ehm, I may or may not have broken your vase. But it's all fine because I threw the glass out." Kai told Stefan.

Are you dumb Kai? I threw it out. The boundary is only in the living room. 

He is so gonna get caught. But not my problem I told myself and went to bed.

Stefan's POV

Not gonna lie, it was kinda sus that Kai was awake this late. But so, was I so who am I to judge?

He broke a vase, and I knew exactly which one it was. 

"it's okay it was ugly anyways." 

That was when I realized that he couldn't throw it out unless the boundary spell was broken. I gave him a confused and scared look. I think he knew what was going on. 

"Ehm, Y/n said the same thing as you. You didn't think I threw the pieces out, did you? SteFAN there's a boundary. I'm locked in your living room." Kai told me. 

Yeah it all makes sense now.

In the morning (3rd person)

"Breakfast is ready!" Damon shouted from the kitchen. 

Y/n ran down the stairs, as she passed the living room her and Kai got eye contact. He smiled at her and she smiled back. She then ran to the kitchen. 

The smell of bacon, and scrambled egg filled the room. 

"You're making pancakes as well?" Y/n asked surprised. 

"Me and Bonnie got pancakes every morning when we were locked in the Prison World. She hated when I turned the pancakes into vampires" Damon told Y/n as he gave her some pancakes. The pancakes had a mouth, teeth, and eyes. 

Stefan walked into the kitchen, "Goodmorning" he said with a big smile on his face. "Pancakes, yummy" he continued.

As they sat around the table and began to eat Kai yelled from the living room 

"Hey, where's my food?" "Don't expect to get any" Damon replied. 

Y/n took an extra plate and put some bacon, egg, and pancakes on it. She then took her own plate as well and walked into the living room. 

"Good morning my favorite Salvatore" he told her with a smile. 

"Kai, if you try anything I'm gonna kill you" Damon yelled from the kitchen. 

Kai and Y/n looked at each other and smiled. She then politely served him the food. 

That was chapter 6... i think. Remember to vote and comment.

I hope you liked it, i indeed did. 

So about my name for the book. i may have a feeling i wanna change my subject. i really like what is going on between them.

what do yall think?

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