The tomb

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I'm so sorry for not in a WEEK. i've been busy with school, since summer is around the corner + I have been sick. Tomorrow i lose my computer so it's going to be difficult writing chapters. I will try my best to update atleast once a week. I will try as hard as i can. 

Kais POV

It made much more sense. The reason Y/n's friends haven't reached out to us yet was because they couldn't. But how did Lucy and Enzo get here?.. I know a man sent them but, why. Maybe supernatural creatures couldn't enter my prison world. That would make sense. A lot of sense.

"What if, your friends can't reach us since they are supernatural, and the ones left from the coven don't have enough power to let more supernatural in. since there aren't that many left, maybe even only one. So, no matter how hard your friends try, they won't be able to arrive. But the reason Enzo and Lucy got here is because they're humans." I said out loud. 

Y/n nodded in agreement. "So, we're stuck here forever. No Bennet witch can arrive because only useless human can. No offense" she added to the sentence. She sounded so depressed.

Lucy giggled "Don't worry, no offense taken" and Enzo just shook his head instead of laughing.


What happens next is a complete change for everything. A surprise I didn't see coming, but I can't say it's good. Yeah the concept in it is good, but what follows isn't. 

Believe it or not we were laying in a forest. It's the one next to a tomb. The tomb in Mystic Falls. Honestly, I thought I was sleepwalking until I noticed Y/n next to me. she was lifeless. Not dead, just surprisingly tired. 

"Where are we?" her sleepy voice said as she slowly got up. 

"In Mystic falls, nothing new" I replied. 

"Where is Enzo and Lucy?" she asked me. before I got to answer we heard a loud scream. Not like anything were dying more like they were being chased for fun. "Well guess your answer is over there" I pointed towards east, since the scream came from that direction. We walked towards the scream and then it appeared again. It was clearer this time; I could tell it was Lucy since it was a girl screaming. Then I saw them from a lang distance. I could see to people. One male and one female. Lucy and Enzo. As we got closer, to a distance were we could see them clearly. I was shocked. 

I quickly turned around to see the widest smile on Y/n.
Y/n was so happy a tear rolled down her cheek. She then looked at me and tried to talk but she couldn't. she was overwhelmed with happiness. She ran towards me and squeezed my body in her arms. When I realized what happened I buried my face in her shoulder. I backed away a little. And the I lifted her up a bit and swung her around in a circle while yelling 

"We are back. We are finally back!" 

I placed her back onto the ground and pulled her in for a kiss. This was a moment to remember. A memory I never wanted to forget.


Like I told you before. The concept in this is good. We are back, how can that be bad? Well, let me remind you. 

They sent us away for a reason. I was the reason if you haven't figured out already *I'm rolling my eyes at you if you didn't knew already, because it's a simple detail.*. 

They didn't accept me being with the woman I love. Y/n. So they tried to send me away, but Y/N didn't want that. So as Bonnie did the spell Y/n jumped in front of me. She was leaning up against me, her back was touching me. That means we both got sent to the Prison World since we were connected (we were touching each other). But the bad thing isn't just that They sent us away to prison world. It's also how much they hate me, and because they hate me Y/n lost them. Well, some of them. Stefan is the supporting brother. Damon has always been taking care of her. Now he had abandoned her, I feel so bad for her. When we get back to the others, well if we do. I don't expect Damon to forgive Y/n. Bonnie is probably still going to be disappointed in her for being with me. You know what... It' all my fault. It's my fault her family and friends ditched her. Everything is my fault. I carry the guilt of that every day. And it hurts. I hate to see her sad, and when she see the others I'm not sure if I can handle the look on her face when the others ditch her again. She misses them so much, especially Stefan. I know Stefan will be glad to see her, which is nice to know.

We went out of the forest to stand in the middle of Mystic Falls. We went to sit on the bench, I needed to talk to her before we visited her family and friends. "Elizabeth Forbes" she said, as we sat on a bench with a black name plate. In the name plate there was engraved Elizabeth Forbes. 

"I have already been on this bench once before. That was a few seconds before Damon grabbed my neck and kidnaped me. It was the same day I met you" I smiled at her. She laughed. "I don't know why they would make her a bench. Yeah she's the sheriff but I would only make it if she died." Y/n said. "Fair enough" 

!GUYS NOT TO CONFUSE YOU. Elizabeth Forbes (Carolines mother) IS DEAD Y/n JUST DOESN'T KNOW IT YET!

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