The Famous Y/n

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At the hospital (Caroline and Stefan)

"So where is Damon?" Caroline asked Stefan. 

"He is hunting down Kai." Stefan replied. 

"I heard Y/n is back in town. Bonnie told me about the relationship with the boy she moved away with. Do you know what happened?" Caroline asked. 

"No, I don't. But you can inform me" Stefan replied. "Sure, I mean I don't think Y/n mind me telling you. So, here's the tea." Caroline made a cute little laugh. 

"yeah, so when she moved away with this boy, everything went well. Until she found out he was cheating on her, multiple's times with multiple girls. And he also began to be very toxic. Physically, and mentally. So, she killed him. No hard feelings or anything. I think she enjoyed it. I mean he was hurting her for a long time. So, it must have been a relief , that she got to make payback on what he did" Caroline told Stefan. 

"wow, I don't know what to say. I feel bad for her, that she had to go through that. But I can clearly see where she got her savage attitude from." Stefan laughed by referring to himself. 

Caroline cut him off by saying "Stefan don't refer to yourself. You are like this cute little bunny." She said while laughing out loud. 

"No hard feelings" she added to her sentence.

Kais POV

I feel like I'm gonna die. A werewolf bit me and the only cure is the blood from the original hybrid. 

Ugh, I can't handle it. Like come on, I thought this was gonna be the best day of my life. I mean it still is, I just don't wanna die today. I could maybe make a deal with Damon about the cure, but he's just gonna kill me as soon as he sees me. 

And that is too risky since my condition is pretty bad at the moment. But it is also my only chance of getting the cure. Maybe I should talk with SteFAN about it. He's a little softer.

So, as I got far away from the hospital I walked over to this bench. Elizabeth Forbes. Oh, it's Clarice's mother. I think it's her who had cancer and I was supposed to remove the magic in her.

Suddenly someone grabbed me by my neck. "Ouch, ouch, ouch" I said as the person behind me made me stand up by grabbing my neck. 

"We need to have a little talk" a familiar voice said. 

It was Damon, I could hear it on his tone. But I couldn't fight back, I was too weak for that.

"So, Kai, you are sick and I wanna make a deal" Damon said. 

Those words caught my attention. "What do you want?" I asked him. 

"See my little sister took on a tiny journey to get the cure for you. All we want in return is for you to break the curse" 

I laughed when Damon said that. If only he knew it can't be broken. 

"Well, I can't do that for you" I replied. "See, that's what I thought you would answer. So, now Bonnie gonna do a boundary spell so you are locked in my house"

"excuse me what? No, no you can't do th- "right after I said that Damon snapped my neck.

The next thing I see is Damon standing a few feet away from me. 

"I'm gonna call Y/n, Kai doesn't have that much time left. She needs to come back now with the cure. Now." Damon told Stefan. 

I have no idea who Y/n is, but I hope she comes back soon. Because I really don't wanna die, and right now I see two of Damon.


I finally arrived at New Orleans, what a beautiful city. Music, people, laughing and so much more. The dream city. It must be a dream to live here, the city never sleeps.

Well, I knew where Klaus lived so the only thing left was to find him. I arrived at his house, and I was nervous. It's been so long. I knocked 2 times and I didn't even get to knock the third time before Klaus opened up. 

"Y/n?.." Klaus asked surprised. I just gave him a smile; he opened his arms ready for a hug and I jumped up to him. 

"It's been so long, what brings you here" he asked as he put me down. 

"Long story, I wanna explain it over a blood bag." I told him. He laughed and I went inside.

I explained him the whole story. "This Kai deserves to die. I mean if he dies wouldn't that break the curse.?" He asked me. "No, because he made the curse with my mother" I replied. 

"Well, I do owe you a favor" Klaus said as he bit his wrist. He poured the blood into the empty blood bag. He filled the blood bag halfway. 

"Here you go, there is enough for a couple of werewolf bites. Just in case you get bit one-day." Klaus smiled at me as he gave me the blood bag.

"Thank you, Klaus." I smiled. "You're welcome love. You can come and visit me anytime you want." 

I left and drove back towards mystic falls. Suddenly I got a phone call, it was from Damon. "Hey Damon, what's up?" I asked him. "Y/n, Kai isn't looking good; please say you got the blood." Damon told me with a nervous tone. "Don't worry I'm 20 minutes away from Mystic falls. With the blood." I replied with a confident tone. "Good see you in a bit, bye" Damon said as he hung up.

When I arrived at the Salvatore house, I opened the door and saw Stefan and Damon watching over Kai. Kai was laying on the sofa. God he really did look sick. I walked fast towards him and I sat on the floor. 

He looked at me at me and said "So you are the famous Y/n" "Yeah, and you must me the famous Kai" as soon as I said it he laughed but his laugh turned into coughing. 

"Here I got you the cure. You only need to drink a little" I told him as I gave him the blood bag.

 "Why is there so much blood if he only needs a little?" Damon asked me. 

"Because me and Klaus are good friends, and if I ever get bit he wanted me to have some blood in stock." I replied.

"I'm already feeling much better, thank you cupcake" Kai said to me and winked. 

"Hey, don't flirt with my sister" Stefan told Kai as a warning. 

Kai just laughed at him. I'm not gonna lie, his laugh was cute. My first impression on Kai is definitely not bad. He seemed nice, maybe a little psychopathic but I think he's just misunderstood. I looked at Stefan and rolled my eyes. Then I laughed.

Authors note:

Hey again. that was the 3rd chapther. Remember to comment and vote. hope you like it so far.

Heading to chapther 4 now. BYE

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