Damons POV

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Heyyy bestiesss. It's been a long time no seen.

Damons POV
We did it. We brought her back. It took months, but we finally managed to do it.  I've missed her, and regretted  the things I told her. I haven't forgiven myself for the things that escaped from my mouth. Not only did I bring her down, I  let Bonnie send her loved one away. I still don't like Kai. I despise him, but Y/n is happy and that's what matters to me. Well if she could pick anyone but Kai I would actually be happy for her. Honestly I hope that they have broken up or something like that. But I'm sure they haven't done that.

It was hard to bring them back, we put a lot of work in it. Bonnie refused to help in the start, but Stefan convinced her.

Stefan has been the only supporting person for Y/n. She deserves so much more. Stefan had been begging us from the start. Well, since he saw her disappear. Only Caroline stuck up for him. She had a hook up with Klaus Mikealson, again. Which is weird since she had the biggest crush on Stefan. But as soon as the Mikealson family got in town Stefan and Rebekah flirted. Klaus is all over Carebear, and it turns out she couldn't resist him either.

I've talked to Stefan. The only reason he flirted with Rebekah was to get Carebear jealous.
Klaus had been flirtimg with Carebear from the second he got here. I have always known she had a thing for him. He isn't ugly, at all. And he is very charming i cannot lie. But Stefans plan about making her jealous didn't work, he was broken. He turned his humanity off, also because he misses Y/n. He doesn't think she deserved what happened to her. But we all agree.

We only meant to send Kai away. The only problem is that we're scared that we brought Kai back aswell. No one wants him back. Stefan and Carebear don't mind him, but it's not because they are eager to get him back.

Oh yeah, the only reason Bonnie agreed to help was to get Stefans humanity back. We think Y/n is the key. But besides that, we just want Y/n back. She had been through a lot at the time she got back to Mystic Falls.

But All we could think about was Kai. Then Kai and her fell for each other. They got a lot of time to talk. Maybe that's why she fell for him, he was the only one who was interested and wanted to listen to what she had to say. It's our fault...

we're hating on her love life. But in reality we were the ones creating it...

Anyways, you're probably wondering how the hell we got her back. Well you see, remember when Bonnie and I was trapped in prison world with Kai? Yeah? good. We only got there because the Other side broke down. Turns out hell is a thing and so is sirens.

So Stefan and I went on a murder trip for Cade. The DEVIL. He made a promise if we killed the ones he wanted. He would bring y/n back and free Stefan and I. He freed us. But didn't free y/n. So we killed him. Turns out that helped, because this morning doing our usually try to open up the prison world worked. Bonnie and I got in, and saw they wasn't there. Stefan doesnt know anything about her being back by the way.

And Yes it was the right one, you could see it on the date in the news paper. Now we just wait for her to show up. Hopefully without Kai...

We started to walk towards the house. We were only a mile or so away, when we noticed Caroline. "NO WAY, Y/N?!" she yelled as she ran towards us. A big smile plastered to my face as she hugged me. "Its been way too long. I'm so glad they figured it out, i was scared they never knew how to get you out" she smiled.

Then she noticed Kai she looked at him like he was a new weird creature. "Oh, i didnt knew you were in the deal aswell.." she said.

I gave her a confised look and then she explained it all. Cade, the mikealsons, Bonnie who refused to help, Stefan and Damons murder trip and Stefan who had turned gis emotions off. "We are sure you're the only one who can turn them back on" she explained. I nodded in response but i had to add a comment. "Klaus Mikealson. Dang Caroline. Lucky you, i heard some good rumers about his skills" I winked at her. She giggled.

She looked at Kai again "I never had anything against you but if you dare to touch my children i WILL kill you"

Omg. I felt like I had been gone for YEARS. I gave her a shocked looked.

"They are only a month old." She added. "How long have you been pregnat without me knowing?!" I asked in Surprise.
"Well technically 6 months." She said. I looked confused at her. "Its josette babies. She was supposed to have twins until someone murdered her." She looked at Kai with disgust.

"I thought I killed them" he mumbled. I pushed my elbow into his ribcage, himting he shouldnt say that.

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