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I woke up early seeing Kai was still asleep next to me, I loved waking up before him. I kissed him lightly on his forehead and went downstairs to make breakfast on bed. He deserved that, it's always him cooking. 

Well, I can cook a little to but not as good as Kai. I was almost done, all I needed now was the bacon. When I was done I walked up stairs with it. I had made him a plate filled with breakfast related food. I pulled the curtains aside making sunlight hit him right in the face. He flinched as the light hit him. 

I made me giggle; he opened his eyes smiling at me. "What?" I giggled, he stared at me with a smile on his face. "I love that giggle of yours" he gently said. It made me blush a bit, I walked over to him and passed him his plate. We sat in the bed and ate.

"You know what I want to do today?" I asked him with excitement. "Enjoy you hot boyfriends' body?" he smirked, I pushed him lightly making him laugh. "No silly, I want to learn how to use a gun" I nervously looked at him since his smile faded a little bit. "Good Idea" his smile appeared on his face again. 

"We can shoot each other" I replied with a big smile plastered on my face. "Crazyyy pants" he mumbled. 

I laughed and we looked at each other he grabbed my chin pulling me in, he pecked my lips with his and he licked my underlip I then allowed his tongue into my mouth and he swirled his tongue around mine. Our tongue were fighting while our lips were kissing. I backed off kissing his lips on last time. I went to take a bite of my bacon when I noticed he was still staring at me.

 "What" I asked him, I got no answer instead he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. "Okay eat your food before it gets cold" I told him. 

We ate and then got ready to go find guns. We took Damon's car and drove around until we found a police station. We got in and found some guns, I went for the handguns. We went outside again and went into a potterystore. We took a lot of pots and then got home. We went into the backyard and placed the some of the many pots around the garden. 

"Okay rule one. Don't shot me, I'm your teammate. Rule two, shot the pots, they are the enemy. 3 rules, I don't know the 3rd rule." I laughed, he pulled me in by my waist and kissed me. "Got it" he replied. We counted to 3 and ran around the garden shooting the pots. I got a couple pretty quick, but I knew where I placed them. I went to find some of those Kai placed. I noticed one up in a tree. I aimed and missed. I tried one more time, and it broke. But I'm pretty sure I didn't shoot it. I looked around to see if I could find Kai, but he was no-where to be found. Suddenly I saw him from a distance. 

Well, I saw him run really quick by, it confused me he ran, so I ran after him. As I got to where I saw him he was gone again. 

"Hey, can't find any pots?" Kai's voice appeared behind me. I turned around to see him walking out of the house, he had a glass of water in his hand. "How long have you been gone" I asked nervously. 

"A minute why?" he asked curious, I didn't answer, and it made him confused. "What happened?" he asked quietly as he approached me. 

"I swear I just saw you running" I told him seriously, my hands began to shake which he noticed. He grabbed my hand "Don't worry Y/n, no-one is here beside us" he told me trying to calm me down. It didn't work though, I left him trying to find whoever I saw. 

"Y/n!" Kai yelled after me, I didn't care. I know I saw something, someone. 

I looked around but I didn't have a chance to see what happened before I fell to the ground. I turned around quick, as someone sat on me. it was a girl. I could se her eyes were filled with anger, she hit me with her fist. But I was too shocked to move. 

"Where am I?" the girl hissed at me, "Who are you?" I asked with confusion in my voice. Her breathing got steadier. 

She got off me and stood up, pointed her hand at me,wanting me to grab it. "I can do it myself" I stubbornly said as I got up. "I'm Lucy" she smiled at me. I didn't smile back. 

"Y/n!" Kai Yelled again, as he ran to where we was. As he got there he was shocked, just like me.

Who is this girl? Read to find out

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GUYS I DONT KNOW WHATS HAPPENING! MY SPACE BUTTON APPARENTLY DONT WORK. But it's weird because when I post it there is nothing, only when I go to change it.

You're Mine, Forever - Kai ParkerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα