A second chance

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"You don't know any way to get her back?" Damon continued. "Like I said, it's easy get it over by killing Bonnie" Kai replied. 

"Both of you shut up" I interrupted their conversation. 

I knew Kai was telling the truth. After we saved his life why shouldn't he help us a bit. Both of them looked at me like they were expecting me to say something. But I didn't know what to say, hey Damon just forget about Elena for the next 60 years or should I say Hey Kai you're so hot but we kinda want to torture you until you tell us how to break the curse. But I didn't want to say any of them.


She was a part of the curse as well. If we could get contact with her, we might be able to know how to break it. I told them my idea, but Damon interrupted right away. 

"No, we are not getting psychopath number 2 back. She was the one who wanted to make the curse, why would she help break it? 

"I'm on Damon with this one" Kai added.

Damon gave Kai a death stare, I knew what Damon was thinking. Either Kai was going to get tortured or killed. 

To be honest I wouldn't want anything to happen to him. He had already been through so much. 

Damon left the living room and went into the kitchen to Stefan. I followed him into the kitchen where he already was having a conversation with Stefan. 

"I think we should send him back to his hell" Damon said. 

His hell? Did he mean his prison world, I don't hope so. Kai didn't deserve that. Well, he killed his family, but Damon have murdered thousands of people. Innocent ones. "Guys, he's not that bad" I told them. They just looked at me like I was a freak. But I didn't mind, I meant what I said.

 "Y/n he's a careless sociopath who killed his family. And you don't think we should send him back? Are you like in love with him or something?!" Damon yelled. 

"N-no I just don't think Kai deserves it. He had a reason to kill them and Damon you are even worse. You killed countless of innocent people. He at least had a reason!" I yelled back at him.

 "Can you stop protecting the enemy!" Damon vent on. "NO" I pushed Damon and went up to my room.

Ugh I hate this family, I hate Damon. Stefan is too pussy to even say anything. *Knock knock*

Someone knocked at my door. "Damon go away." i said. "It's not Damon" a voice appeared. 

The door opened and Stefan entered my room. "Hey Y/n" Stefan said as he approached me. 

He went to sit next to me on my bed. "I know you're mad but why do you defend Kai. He hurt Elena and he killed Josette and her babies. Why do you stand up for him?" Stefan questioned me.

"I just think he has been through a lot. And he was alone all the time, no-one gave him a second chance so I wanna do that. I wanna give him the chance to live again without being so hung up on is past. I wanna give him the option to be happy, I wanna make him feel again. I'm not saying I'm going to make him fall for me, but I want him to feel loved." I told him. Stefan just gave me a smile and hugged me.

"Y/n you are doing the right thing, Damon is even worse and so am I. You're right he deserves a second chance, but I don't think you should be the one giving him it. I wanna support you, if you are the one giving him a chance. But don't expect the others to do so. He stabbed bonnie, Killed Jo and her kids and I think Alaric, Bonnie and all the others hate him for that. I hate him for that. But you're right. He deserves a second chance; he needs a second chance. So just so you know, I support you in it."

I spend the rest of the day in my room, when suddenly I got a message. It was from Caroline. The message goes like this. 

Hey guys, you are all invited to a small party me and bonnie are hosting. We wanna celebrate capturing Kai and being one step closer to get Elena out of the coma. So, 9pm tonight. My house, and arrive in party clothes please. See ya soon.

Celebrating for capturing Kai? I'm not gonna be there, that's one thing for sure. It was now half past 8pm and I was laying in bed. Suddenly my door opened. "Hey, are you ready for the party?" Damon asked. 

"I'm not coming" I replied. 

"Oh okay, but Stefan and I are going to leave in a few minutes so you will be alone with Kai for the rest of the night. You think you can handle him? Damon asked. "Yep" I replied.

Damon left the room, and I went downstairs to take some snacks. While I was looking for snacks Damon and Stefan left. 

I found some goldfish crackers and as I walked by the living room Kai was gone.


Uploading next chapter tomorrow. BTW, i will write some chapters in the weekend, so i can post through out the week. 

Remember to vote and comment, it would make my day.

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