New Orleans

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Kais POV 

I opened the door and walked out of the building, this car just parked at the parking lot and a girl came running out of the car. We got eye contact and she slowed down, then she walked straight up to me.

"Hey, are you okay" she asked me. 

For the first time someone asked if I was okay. That was such a weird situation. No-one ever checked up on me before. I kinda felt like she cared about me, but most people nowadays check up on each other, so this didn't mean anything. 

I gave her a smirk and told her "It's not me you should be worried about". She looked so confused. 

I kept on walking and then I bumped into Alaric. "Bad time?" I asked him with a big smile on my face. Then he pointed a gun towards me and shot me. Multiples times. Little did he know, I was a heretic now. "Freaky right" I told him.

"I turned myself into one of Lily's Heretics, it's really incredible. actually, I can literally siphon the magic out of my vampirism and into more magic" 

Alaric took the gun up to his head. And then he pulled the trigger, unlucky him, he used all the bullets on me. 

"Looks like someone is having a very bad day" I told him and laughed. 

Out of nowhere Tyler, attacked me. That freaking dog bit me. I expected it to heal but it didn't. right after that I got woozy. I had to ask someone about the bite. So, my option were Damon. I'm not quite sure he wanted to give me the answer, but I had to give it a try. So, I ran to the hospital where I expected he would be waiting for Elena to wake up.

I was right, he was with Elena.

At the hospital (3rd person)

"What's happening to me" Kai asked Damon, from outside the surgeon room. "You didn't happen to pet a fuzzy four-legged, vampire killing machine" Damon replied, 

"How do I fix it?" Kai asked with a sick but serious tone. 

"Easy, there is a cure in New Orleans. I'll go get it for you, just tell me what you did to Elena" Damon said in a commanding voice. "Oh, I can't do that" Kai replied with a small laugh. 

Damon walked out of the room And told Kai that he wasn't in the mood for any fun. He wanted to know what Kai did to his girlfriend. Kai told him the truth. 

"Damn it, think about it. Every day that you gonna wake up without Elena in your arms. A bit of burning desire to kill Bonnie. Of course, you could just get it over and kill her now. But Elena will probably never speak to you again." That was the last thing Kai said to Damon before getting the hell out of there.


I was home with Bonnie and Matt, we just watched a video of Kai explaining the curse he put on Elena. But all that was going through my mind was that I even talked with him and asked if he was okay. 

"Bonnie you have to get out of here, Damon will kill you. All he cares about is Elena" Matt told Bonnie with an upset tone. 

"Matt, just shut up for a second. I won't let Bonnie die, besides Elena changed Damon. He's not the same. Him and Bonnie are also close friends. And Elena will never forgive Damon if he kills her" I told Matt. 

"Y/n is right. Running from Damon isn't the right thing, And I don't wanna spend my life running from my best friend." Bonnie explained. 

"Maybe we should call Damon, just to make sure he's not going after you" Matt said. 

"We can try that" Bonnie replied, she took her phone and called Damon. He answered quick. "Bonnie don't you worry, I would never kill you. I want you to live your life, I'm a vampire so I'm gonna survive until it's Elena's turn to live." Damon told her before she even could say anything.

I could see Bonnie was starting to tear up. "T-thank you Damon" she stuttered with relieved. "But guys, Kai got bit by Tyler. He came to me for help, I told him that I could get the cure in New Orleans if he'd tell me what was going on with Elena, maybe we could trade him the werewolf bite cure, for him to stop the curse." Damon told us.

The werewolf bite cure was The Original hybrids blood. Klaus. 

I've met Klaus a long time ago, we had an affair. 

But he owes me. He told me that if I found him one-day longing for some help, he would help me. Due to I stuck up for him when he needed someone. So, he promised me to return the favor when needed. 

And I'm pretty sure I could get some blood from him.

"You wanna go ask an original hybrid for his blood?" Matt asked Damon in a surprised tone. "I'm pretty sure you not gonna get it" he continued. 

Then there were silent. "Guys. I think I could get it." I told them. 

"Lil sis, it's too dangerous." Damon said. "No, it's not. Klaus owes me a favor. I can get his blood. And then we can make a deal with Kai." I replied. 

"An Original hybrid owes you a favor? What did you do?" Bonnie asked. "That doesn't matter. The point is I can get it for us." I replied with a smile. 

"Okay, do it." Damon said. "While you are gone, we gonna make a deal with Kai. And if he doesn't agree on it. Then we capture him in the house. Bonnie you can do a spell to make sure he can't get out, right?" Damon asked Bonnie. 

"A boundary spell, yeah I can do that." She replied. 

"Okay good, I better get going, we want Kai alive or else we don't know how to break the curse." I told them as I got up to leave. 

"Hey" Damon yelled from the phone. I turned around and asked "Yeah?" "Be safe y/n, and if Klaus gets on your nerves, if he won't help you or if he lays a finger on you. You run home. Because we can't handle a Hybrid situation right in the moment" Damon said laughing. 

"Of course. If he wanna play dirty, I'm gonna leave." I replied. 

"Dirty as in evil?" Matt whispered to Bonnie. "Yes, Matt. Remember I'm a vampire, so I can hear you." Matt laughed nervously. I then walked out of the door and took Damon's car. 

I then drove toward New Orleans.

That was chapther 2, i hope you liked it. be ready because in the next chapther Kai and Y/n meet again. 

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