We'll Be Fine

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TW: Swearing  and violence, mentions of pregnancy

"We have to do it, Hotch." Emily tries to convince him. "No, absolutely not. No one is going to see him." Aaron shouts. "I'll do it," you say, everyone, whipping their heads to look at you. Aaron shakes his head, "No, especially not you." You roll your eyes, standing. 'Aaron, I love you but you're being selfish. If I can get the locations by going in there and putting up with him for an hour, it's worth it." He just stares at you, opening his mouth to speak before you cut him off, "Let me do this, you can stand right outside. If anything happens you'll be right there," You rub his arm trying to convince him. He shuts his eyes and runs a hand through his hair, "Fine."

You and Aaron were in the front of the SUV, Derek, Emily, and Rossi in the back. Aaron placed his hand on your thigh. You ignore the smirk on Derek's face when it happens. "Are you sure about this?" Aaron asks, squeezing your thigh. You place your hand on his, "I'm sure. It's Martin, what's the worst he can do?"

Walking into the small room they had set up for you was chilling. There he sat, Martin Whitley. While you and Aaron had gone through hell he looked better than ever. "Y/N! How lovely to see you, I assumed your boyfriend would be here-" you cut him off, "Just me and you today, Martin." He smiles, offering his hand out. "Please have a seat." You sit across from him at the table. "I heard you were ready to give the location of the bodies, is that true?" you ask tilting your head slightly. "We'll get there, I want to talk to you first." It physically pains you not to roll your eyes, thinking back to Derek's words. Respect him in there, engage in a normal conversation. So you did, "What do you want to talk about?" you ask him. "How's Jack doing?" Martin asks, smiling softly. He almost looked tolerable like that. "He's good, he started calling me mom after, well you know." you say motioning your hand between the two of you, "He's such a good kid, Aaron and I are lucky." you smile. "Does he know?" Martin asks. You look at him confused, "Does he know what?" 

"that you're pregnant," Martin says. You swallow, "I'm not pregnant Martin." He nods, "But you thought you were." You avoid his eyes as you nod. "And you wanted to be pregnant." That gets your attention. "Yes Martin, for a second I wanted to be pregnant." He smiles, "But you never told Agent Hotchner?" You avoid his eyes as you answer him, "No, I didn't tell Aaron." He laughs, "You know women have a hard time getting pregnant after something physically traumatic, sometimes even become infertile." You feel a tear slip down your cheek. You and Aaron never talked about your future, you had been together for almost three years but it just never came up. You always wanted kids but of course, you wanted his kids. The thought of you not being able to have any broke you.

Hotch and Derek were on the other side of the mirror when Derek spoke up, "Hotch, he's destroying her." And then they saw Martin reach for your hand, Aaron slamming the door open. "Martin your time is up, give us the locations." He orders, avoiding looking at you. "The coordinates are written in a notebook in my cell," Martin informs him, you slipping out of the room as the men glare at each other.

You were sitting in Aaron's office, your new favorite spot to hide, when he walked in. He didn't even bother closing the door so you didn't think you would be having a conversation. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asks, turning towards you. You look at him stunned, not even noticing the team standing staring. You shrug, "I wasn't and I didn't know how you would feel. Besides Martin was right, I might not even be able to get pregnant now so it doesn't matter." you mumble. "It matters to me!" Hotch yells. You take a step back, processing his words. "So you don't want to be with me if I can't have kids? What were you going to do if I didn't want to have any?" you ask him. "What? No of course not," he rounds his desk, putting his hands on your shoulders. "I love you, I would love to have kids with you but if you don't want that I'm okay with that two. I just wish I could have been there for you," he says kissing you softly. "Can they just get married already?" you hear Spencer mutter outside the door.  You laugh, looking at them. "That is an Aaron question, my friend."

A/N WHY DO I LOVE SOFT HOTCH SO MUCH AHDKNDJN okay 2 chapters left, maybe 3 idk yet.

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