Hope Is A Heartache

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TW: Violence, swearing, mentions of death and sexual assault also stream Hope is a Heartache be Leon for this one lol

You woke up in the hospital room, Derek asleep at your side holding your hand. You give him a gentle squeeze, waking him up. "Hi," you whisper. "Y/N fuck you're okay. I'm so sorry I wasn't there. You were upset I should have followed you, I should have known-" You cut him off. "Derek Morgan don't you dare blame yourself. You are too good of a friend to be at fault. Derek looks at me, I'm alive. It's okay." He smiles hugging you lightly. "I need to know why he took you, how you knew him. Someone has to ask but I thought you would want it to be me." You nod, taking a shaky breath. "He lived down the street from me, my dad kind of took him under his wing. We were never friends but it wasn't bad until my dad left. He blamed me, said it was all my fault. Something about how whores like me were the reason he lost him. I don't remember everything but he blamed me. Ohmygod am I the reason all those women died?" you ask tears threatening to spill. "No, you know you aren't. They're dead because he was sick in the head. Don't blame yourself." 

 Rossi walks in with a smile on his face. "You're up! Good news you're not going to die, just some minor injuries and some emotional trauma." You smile softly, "I've been through it before. Honestly, I think this is just closure? Knowing that you guys saved me and he can't hurt anyone makes it better." They both nod knowing you're telling the truth, you really are okay.

A few days later the team had gone out for lunch so you decided to sneak into Hotch's room. Seeing him in that bed, machines beeping, brought back all the pain from Foyet. He felt you come in and opened his eyes, "Staring is rude you know." You force out a laugh sitting next to his bed. "Thank you, and I'm sorry about what I said. I was upset and being stupid."

"You don't have to apologize, Y/N." he smiles. "You could've died Hotch. You didn't even look for him." He avoids your eyes, something he rarely did. "How could I look for him when you were there like that? Saving you was more important. You're more important." The second the words left his lips it felt as if the room got smaller, the air was heavier. You put a hand on his cheek, going to play with his hair. "You almost died saving me, Aaron." 

"And I would do it again."  He reaches for your hand holding it against his cheek, kissing your palm. You can't breathe when he does that, you know it's just because he was taking care of the team. At least that's what you told yourself. "I should go before Dave sees me in here. He'll ground me, no phone privileges for a week." you joke. He nods but still holds your hand in his, "I'm glad you're okay Y/N. I don't know what I would do without you." You smile at him with a small "I'm glad you're okay too." 

Maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way...


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