Electric Feel

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TW: Swearing

It was the week of your birthday, you had all just got back from a case and the party planning was in motion. Emily and Penelope were going all out, with Dave's help of course. "Please don't invite a lot of people, I just want it to be us, Will, and Henry, and Jack." you try and convince them. "Don't worry, it's family only. But that doesn't mean it has to be bland." Emily explains. You nod, at least it'll be small, extra as hell, but small. Derek comes up behind you, putting his hand over your eyes, "Guess who." You laugh, "The most annoying friend I have?" He shoves you and you laugh turning around. "Look at that! I was right." you say hugging him. You look up to see Hotch watching the situation unfold, a frown on his face. Your attention is quickly brought elsewhere as Spencer pipes in, "I thought Emily was the most annoying." She gasps, putting a hand over her chest for dramatics, "Me? How rude!" You all laugh at her. "Of course not babes, it's definitely muscle man over here." 

You take a deep breath, giving yourself a once over in the mirror before heading to Daves. You looked good, correction, you looked hot. The drive over was nice, you had to mentally prepare yourself for whatever the hell you were walking into. The door opens before you can even get to the sidewalk, Henry and Jack running out to drag you inside. "Happy birthday Y/N!" they scream. You look up to see Emily smiling at you. You kneel down hugging them both, "Thank you guys, let's go eat!" you push them towards the door, not that they needed much motivation after hearing eat. Emily hugs you, "Happy birthday hun." You hug her tighter. "Thank you, Em."

You're all sat around the table laughing, enjoying a couple of drinks while the boys play. Before you know it they run-up to the table, "Can we do presents now?" Henry asks. Dave looks at you with a smile. "Give me the gifts Italian man." you say. He shakes his head with a chuckle grabbing them all. He places a small box in front of you, "If you're going to have an attitude open mine first." You smile while opening the box. It was a necklace you had seen in a shop a few months back on a case. You never even knew he bought it, you hadn't even said you liked it. "Dave how did you-" he cuts you off, "You stared at it the whole time we were there. I knew you fell in love with it so I got it behind your back." he shrugs.  You smile up at him, "Thank you, this so thoughtful." JJ hands you her gift next, "Henry was very adamant about this one." You pull out a bottle of champagne, covered in glitter. You laugh and hug her. "Okay so don't be mad at me." Derek says placing a folder in front of you. You raise your brows before opening it. "I submitted some of your photos to a magazine and they wanted to use them all. Don't worry it's anonymous, working for the FBI and all." You look at him stunned. "Derek I don't even know what to say. Thank you, muscle man." You hug him. Emily said you couldn't open hers while children were around and Rossi hit her arm. "Emilly Prentiss you didn't." You all laugh. Penelope looks at you, "Derek and I are your gift!" she says with a grin. "That's all I need." you smile back. Spencer gave you a painting of a sparrow, "Spence this is-" he cuts you off with a nod. "The one Jason painted on Father's day." You feel tears spill over as you get up to hug him. "Thank you, so much."

Hotch hands you yours, "Jack helped." Jack looks at you wide-eyed waiting for you to open it. It's a spider-man watch, with a bottle of Hotch's favorite scotch on the bottom. "Thank you so much, Jack you're too kind." He smiles at you, "I did most of the work, daddy just paid." You all laugh at the boy as you give him a hug, mouthing a quick thank you to Hotch.

An hour he finds you on the same balcony you had found him at months prior. "Hiding from your own party?" He asks. "I just needed a minute to take it all in."  You say leaning your back on the railing, he was closer than you thought. He pushes a strand of hair behind your ear. "Happy birthday Y/N" he whispers placing a kiss on your cheek.  Your body lights on fire immediately, looking up at him stunned. He walks away leaving you to process what had happened.

A/N hiii okay this one was soft anvnrjvn okay okay bye ily

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