The Surgeon

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TW: Violence and swearing, mentions of alcohol also this unsub is literally Martin Whitley from prodigal son so if you're a fan of that ily

"17 women have been reported missing in upper New York, all different physical qualities. The first women were taking a month apart and since then it has decreased to 3 or 4 days. All the women are taken from different areas of upper New York so the unsub is mobile," Garcia presents. "If they don't look anything like each other and disappear from different places how do we know they're connected?" Spencer asks. "Glad you asked boy wonder. Within 72 hours of them going missing there's a ping on their DNA, their blood specifically." Garcia explains. You look up confused, "What do you mean?" She visibly scowls, "Their blood is being used for blood transfusions in hospitals." Garcia explains. "Wheels up in 30, we have work to do," Hotch says standing to leave. You quickly follow him out of the briefing room and into his office, shutting the door behind you. "Hi," you say. He smiles at you, putting his hands on your waist, "Hi." He kisses you slowly, pulling away sooner than you'd like. "The team is out there, we can't," he whispers. "Fuck the team, I just want your attention," you tell him. He laughs, "Go get ready to leave, or you're in trouble." he points to the door. You roll your eyes, giving him a quick kiss before walking out. Dave stands by the door smirking at you. "Shut up," you mutter. "I didn't even say anything!" he laughs at you.

"We don't even know that we have a case here Hotch. There aren't any bodies." Derek says. You look at him raising a brow, quickly shutting him up. "Morgan I love you, truly, but this is too weird. 17 women. 17. If it was one of us you would do everything in your power to prove the case. You've done it before for me. I need you to do it now." you say. Hotch looks at you softly, smiling. It doesn't go unnoticed by the team, even if you both think it does. "She's right Derek. Their blood shows up but they never do? It's a red flag." Emily pipes in. The computer dings and Penelope pops up, "We have two more victims, reported missing yesterday. I already got a hit on their blood at the local hospital." You all sigh, Hotch giving orders "Morgan you and JJ go to the precinct, Prentiss you and Rossi go to the homes of the latest two victims. Reid you and Y/N with me at the hospital." Your head whips up at him using your first name but quickly look back down trying to be subtle. They all nod before going to turn away, you getting up to go get shitty coffee. Emily getting up to follow you, Spencer, close behind. "Hey babes, how are you?" she asks. You roll your eyes, "Ask me when I have coffee in me." You leave them standing in the small room taking a seat across from Rossi and Hotch. "Hey kiddo, wanna play?" Rossi asks flashing cards at you. You smirk, "I'm gonna kick your ass old man." Hotch laughs and nudges your foot under the table. "Play nice," he mutters so only you and Dave can hear. You roll your eyes, "Yes sir." Hotch noticeably tenses and you and Rossi laugh. "I hate you both, so much," he mutters. You weren't wrong, you did kick Dave's ass in cards, he started swearing at you in Italian. He gave up after 4 games, shortly before the plane landed.

"Mrs.Adams, did your daughter start seeing anyone recently? Make any new friends?" Emily asks the latest victim's mother. She shakes her head, "No she stayed to herself, the only time she really interacted with people is when she went running." Emily and Rossi look at each other, "Ma'am where did she go running?" She draws a map of the route, the two of them heading there, calling Hotch on the way. "Hey, we're going to the girl's running spot, seeing if maybe anyone saw her," Rossi explains. "We're at the hospital where all the blood ended up, I'm thinking it has to be someone here," Hotch tells him. You nod knowing Rossi can't see you.

When your all back at the precinct you call Garcia, "Welcome to the glorious station of information, you ask I serve. How may I help you?" You laugh at her, "Hey Pen, can you get me a list of employees for the hospital?" You hear her typing away, "Including security and tech, it's about 1,300." she informs you. Spencer cuts you off, "Garcia narrow it down to white men." She taps away again, "573 left, give me more sunshine." Hotch is next, "He's in his late 30's early 40's." You try not to smile at him. "Alright I've got 237 in that age range," she informs you. "Pen, he's not a tech guy or a nurse. Narrow it to security and surgeons, excluding interns and fellows. Just attendings and head's of each department." you tell her. "134 men for you babes, maybe you can find a boyfriend! Surgeons are hotties!" she says excitedly. You see Hotch tense up and try not to laugh. "Thanks, Pen!" She laughs, "Of course my love." You stop her before she can hang up, "Oh and Pen? Surgeons are dicks." you say ending the call. 

"I've narrowed the list down to 37 men, these are all of them," Spencer says taping all the pictures to the board. You stand ripping one down. "Not him," you say pulling another one down. "Or him, or him, or him." you keep going before they realize what you're doing. You're keeping the attractive ones. You narrow the list down to 7. "One of these guys is the unsub, I know it," you say turning to look at them, pictures in a circle on the ground around you. "Call each of them in, if you have to drag them here do it," Hotch says leaving the room. 

"Our guy is a straight white man, late 30's early 40's. He has a job of power in the hospital but not too much power, He's not the chief of the hospital or the head of security. He's a surgeon, maybe head of a department, or a security personal." Derek tells the local officers.

"He's attractive, he seems safe. These women were smart, they didn't trust just anyone." JJ says.

"He convinces them he's safe, good even. He may offer or ask them for help. He'll say he's a doctor at the hospital. They'll trust him." you add. A police officer glares at you, "So you're saying they did it to themselves?" she asks. "No not at all, he's just good at manipulating them. His physical characteristics help them. I assure you these women did nothing wrong, only he did." 

The team has one interview left, you and Hotch getting hin. "Martin Whitley, nice to meet you. I understand I'm here to provide possible intel on a case?" he asks. You get chills, freezing in place. "Yes thank you for coming in, I hope we didn't interrupt anything too important," Hotch tells him sitting next to you. "Oh no, I had finished my surgeries hours before you called." the man says. "So you're a surgeon?" you ask. Martin looks at you smiling, "Yes, I'm the main surgeon on call most of the time."  You nod avoiding eye contact. "Well Martin I won't keep you long, we just have evidence that the blood of missing women is being used in your hospital," Hotch informs him. Why the fuck is he being so nice? Does he not know this is the guy, is he fucking dense? "Oh wow, is there anything I can do to help? I'd hate to see anyone get hurt." Martin says. Rossi knocks on the door, "Y/N, there's a call for you. Says it's urgent." You nod, "Thanks, Dave. You got this?" you say looking at Aaron. He nods as you stand, "Go, it sounds important. Y/N, I'm fine." he says grabbing your hand, seeing your hesitation. You smile before squeezing his shoulder leaving the room. "That's him, Dave. I swear to fucking god it's him," you whisper. "I know, why do you think I pulled you out?" he rolls his eyes. 

You didn't have any evidence, nothing to hold him on or even get a DNA sample. You were livid. When the team was walking to the bar by the hotel, you got a phone call, everyone pausing to look at you. "Go, I'll catch up." you push them. They nod, walking away reluctantly. "Hello?" You hear a sigh on the other end, "SSA Y/L/N, I just wanted to thank you personally for recognizing my work." your blood runs cold at the voice. Martin Whitley. "I know what I'm doing is important, I'll let you catch up to your team. We wouldn't want someone to hurt you or anything, especially not alone on the street." he hangs up and you look around quickly. Where was he, he was here he had to be. A hand on your shoulder makes you jump, screaming. "Hey, hey it's just me!" Hotch says looking at you. "Martin Whitley just called me."


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