Father's Day

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TW: daddy issues, abandonment, swearing, not much violence just mentions of the case :)

Meeting David Rossi was nothing like you thought it would be, you expected the team to be closed off. At the very least you expected Spencer to be closed off. "David Rossi this is SSA Derek Morgan, SSA Emily Prentiss, our communications lesion Jennifer Jareau, Dr. Spencer Reid, and SSA Y/N Y/L/N." Hotch introduces you all, you try to ignore the fluttering in your stomach as he says your name. Reid instantly starts babbling, "Sir it's so nice to meet you, I've read all your books and your theory on-" Hotch cuts him off. "Reid, you can talk about it on the jet." Spencer nods in embarrassment, the whole team laughing. "I guess we found the new Jason." Penelope jokes coming from behind Spencer, she instantly turns to apologize to you, " Y/N I'm sorry ohmygod I didn't mean it like that you know-" You cut her off with a smile, "I know Pen, it's okay. Honestly babes it was more funny that you made fun of Reid. I mean have you heard the shit that comes out of Derek's mouth? It's much worse." you assure her. She nods as Hotch introduces her, "Ah, and our technical analyst Penelope Garcia."

The first few cases with Rossi were.. eventful. It took some time for the team to adjust and you could tell Derek was being cold to him, most likely on your behalf. You assured him it was fine, he was a good man and it would all be okay. It was when you wound up in Indianapolis that things hit you. You had all flown out here to help Dave with an old case of his, realizing he was a part of the family now. Jason was gone and he wasn't coming back. Spencer was the one to find you sitting on the floor of the interrogation room, immediately sinking to the floor next to you. You lay your head on his shoulder as he speaks softly. "Do you remember Father's Day at the cabin?" you smile at the memory before acknowledging it, "Mhmm." You feel his arm tighten around you, "I miss that weekend, and him. You know Rossi isn't replacing him, no one can." "I know Spence." you assure him.

It was father's day last year, the team had a mandatory week off after nonstop cases for over a month. Jason insisted you and Spencer went to his cabin for the weekend, turning to the team standing in the bullpen, "Don't call, have a good weekend you all deserve it, no but seriously don't call." You and Spencer laugh following him out of the building.

The whole weekend was simple and peaceful, you went hiking, cooked meals together, drank wine, and even danced. It was truly a father and his children spending precious time together. Sunday night Spencer passed out early and you sat with Jason, a glass of wine in hand. "I love you." you blurt out without thinking, he looks at you with pride in his eyes before hugging you. "I love you too Y/N, thank you for choosing to be my child." And it was then that you really knew you were loved so purely by someone, the way your father should have loved you.

"It was a good weekend, I miss it. And him." you let out softly. Spencer hugs you tightly again, "I miss him too."

It's a week later back at the BAU when you notice there's always a coffee on your desk when you get there, perfectly hot like the person knows when you'll arrive. The first time there's sugar packets and creamer on a napkin next to the cup. The second time its exactly how you like it, two creams and two sugars. One day you decide to come early to see who your mystery coffee dealer is, but the sight shocks you. It was Hotch, you were certain it was Emily or JJ, hell maybe even Penelope. But it was Aaron fucking Hotchner, and in that second your feelings shifted. Of course, you had always found him attractive, who didn't, but this was different. This was soft and considerate. It wasn't him being a team leader or a good boss, it was him caring. And that terrified you.

AN ah okay I know this is short but I wanted this to just plant some seeds in the story, this chapter will be referenced in the future! I hope you guys liked it and the story so far, thank you for reading besties!!

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