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TW: Violence, sexual assault, and swearing

You saw it, the whole team saw it. The victims were a spitting image of you, almost as if they were a surrogate for you.  "We're headed to New York, Garcia please present the case." Hotch says. "Right, well we've got six women abducted off the streets. They were tortured and then murdered, execution-style. You can find all the icky details on your tablets." Garcia turns away from the TV. "Unsub has a type, abusive mom, maybe an ex-girlfriend?" JJ says. You can feel them all staring at you waiting for you to crack. "Most likely a girlfriend, the sexual assault wouldn't be present if it was a mother." you say ignoring the concerning looks. Hotch nods, "Y/N is right, he's clearly not slowing down. Wheels up in 30" 

You're all sitting on the jet when the computer bings, "Sir we've got a seventh victim. Dumped right outside of the local PD." You feel your stomach churn, he was mocking the police. "Okay JJ, you and Rossi go to the precinct and try and control the story. Reid you and Prentiss to the ME, Y/N, and I will go to the dumpsites." Hotch orders. You all nod, understanding that this is about to get public and messy. And fast.

"There's no sign of a struggle." you say looking around the last crime scene.

"Just like all the other dumpsites. He's clean, organized." Hotch looks at you waiting for a response. You nod before pulling out your phone to call the team. "There's absolutely nothing at any of the dumpsites. This guy is clean and organized. The only mess is the one outside the precinct, he's mocking the police." you inform them. "The victims were held for a week before they were murdered." you hear Emily add. "We're on our way." Hotch says before you hang up. He looks at you but you say something before he can, "I'm fine Hotch." It had an iciness to it, you knew he was trying to help but him hovering as if you could break at any  moment was doing the opposite.

"All the women were seen walking on the same street the nights they disappeared, he has a hunting ground." JJ informs you all. "JJ put that in the press conference, hopefully, people can be alert." Hotch orders before adding, "We're ready to deliver the profile." You quickly pipe up, "Adding the hunting ground isn't a good idea. It will piss him off." Hotch shakes his head, "We're telling the women of this town, end of discussion." 

"The guy we're looking for is methodical, maybe even a sadist. He's taking his time with each victim before killing them."

"They all look almost identical, so our guy has a type. These women are what we call a surrogate. He's killing them since he can't kill who he wants to. He's a white man, late 20's early 30's." you add. You can feel Derek looking at you but ignore him.

"The dumping outside the precinct was a direct message, he won't stop until he's dead." Hotch gets cut off by a local officer, "Why not in custody?"

"This guy loves what he's doing, he'll die fighting to protect his work." Emily adds.

"I'll be giving a press conference but please inform as many people as you can of the profile." JJ says as you all walk towards the conference room.

It's the middle of the press conference when you hear a scream,  an eight victim laying right outside the door. Morgan and Prentiss start running looking for the unsub, but to no prevail. "He was right here Hotch." Derek yells before getting into the SUV to drive back to the precinct. The room was tense, everyone on edge. You were pissed, you told Hotch this would happen and he didn't listen. And for what? Because you look like the victims? "Y/N I want you to go over the footage with Garcia." Hotch orders. You laugh earning a 'don't do this' look from the team. "Jesus Christ Hotch I'm not a child. I'm not gonna break because the victims look like me. I told you this would happen, and you didn't listen. Maybe you should look at footage with Garcia." your voice is cold. Derek is the first to speak, "Y/N-" Hotch cuts him off. "I made a decision as the leader of this team, if you have an issue with that or me you're more than welcome to bring it up. After you do your job." You scoff, "That's rich coming from you." Rossi stands between the two of you, both of you ready to go at each others throats, "Y/N, kid take a break." And with that you leave the room, slamming the door, and storm out of the precinct

You had been walking for 20 minutes, the team texting to make sure you were okay. 'I'm fine Derek, Hotch is just fucking annoying today.'  You shoot a quick text already typing the second one when someone grabs you from behind. Your phone falling from your hand as you get dragged into a van. You try screaming but the man knocks you in the head with the back of your gun.

You open your eyes slowly, a ringing in your head. You try to move but the ropes tying you down rub and burn against your skin. Fuck fuck fuck. "Y/N, how nice of you to join me." the man says. Your head snaps up immediately recognizing the voice, "Dan?" He smiles a wicked smile, the kind you had scene growing up. "We're going to have a lot of fun."

Derek is pacing waiting for you to text back, how long of an essay could you be writing. He had a gut feeling something was wrong, you hated texting. If it was something long you would just send a voice memo. He runs into the conference room with all the team still at the table calling Garcia. "Chocolate thunder what can I for you hot stuff?" she answeres in true Penelope fashion. "Penelope track Y/N's phone location." the whole team looks stunned at the lack of any flirting or games. "She's two blocks away from.. the hunting ground."

"Thanks, baby." Derek says hanging up looking at the team, "I think the unsub has Y/N"

It's days later when the team finally finds you, you had been beaten and drugged. Just like your mother had. You could hear your name being called so you screamed. "Y/N!" It was Hotch, he went to untie you before you heard gunshots. He shot Hotch, but Derek shot him. "We need medics! Now!" Derek screams. "Y/N, hey hey, you're okay its gonna be fine babygirl." You cry feeling Hotch leaning against you on the floor. "WHERE ARE THE MEDICS!" Derek screams again. Hotch looks up at you before passing out he mutters softly, "You're okay, that's good."

A/n ah hi besties okay uhm oops. The next chapter is gonna be short eventful lol hope you enjoyed <3

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