Crying In The Club

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TW: Searing and alcohol, just a girl's night chapter. back to crime-fighting next one <3

The rush you got walking into the club with the BAU ladies by your side never got old. Girls' night was something you did often, Penelope said it made all the icky go away. Whatever that means. It didn't take long for the events of the evening to unfold, just a few rounds of shots between the four of you. "So, Y/N. You seeing anyone?" JJ asks, making you choke on your drink. "Jesus JJ, no absolutely not. Things are too complicated at the moment." They all roll their eyes. "You mean you liking Hotch?" Emily asks. "I do not like Hotch." you glare at her. "Yeah, and he didn't almost die for you," Penelope says sarcasm laced thickly in her voice.  They all look at you waiting for you to own your shit. "Guys I don't like Hotch. I swear." 

Knowing that conversation was going nowhere they turned their attention to Emily. "Emily arent you seeing someone?" JJ asks. Emily blushes, "Shut the hell up Jeniffer." You all laugh. "Damn first name and everything. Guess that answers that." you joke. Emily shoots daggers at you, "Babes this is karma for thinking I want to fuck our boss." you assure her. "No one said you wanted to fuck him, that was all you," Penelope adds. "Let's stop talking about men and start drinking." Emily says, ever the 'kill all men' advocate.  After hours of drinking, you decide it's a good idea to go mini-golfing, that was all on Penelope.  "Remind me why we agreed to this?" she asks after missing her ball several times. "Pen, babes, this was your idea," you inform her. "Oh yeah!" she giggles. It took getting kicked out of the place for you to finally leave, needing to call Hotch to come to get you since no one else answered.

"Hello? Y/N?"

"Aaron you picked up!" you shout. You could hear something behind him, it sounded like a woman. "Y/N are you drunk?" he asks. 

"Maybe just a tiny bit. But so are the girls and we kind of uhm got kicked out of the mini-golf place." You can hear him sigh bidding goodbye to the woman. So he was on a date. You could feel the jealousy rising in your throat. "I'm on my way, stay put," he orders before hanging up. After dropping JJ at home and Emily and Penelope at her apartment you noticed Hotch wasn't taking you home. "Where are we going?" you slur out. He doesn't look at you when he responds, "My place, Jack is with Jessica and you're too drunk to be left alone tonight." 

When you pull up to his house he helps you out, you falling into his arms laughing.  Inside the house he brings you to his room, handing you one of his shirts. "You can shower and change and then get your ass downstairs to sober up." He left the room shutting the door softly. You showered and threw on his shirt, additionally taking a pair of his boxer briefs to wear as shorts. When you walked into his kitchen his eyes immediately found your body, noting the way his clothes looked on you. His eyes got darker but he turned before you could notice, clearing his throat. "Coffee is on the counter, drink up." 

"Yes sir," you say as you sip the coffee, not noticing the way he tenses up. You realized then he never had stopped making you coffee, leaving it on your desk in the morning. He brings you up to his room once more, getting you comfortable in his bed. He goes to leave but you stop him, "Where are you going?" He looks at you confused, "To sleep on the couch."

"No please stay. I don't sleep well alone if I'm drunk." you plead for him to stay. He nods his head and slides in next to you. You smile but turn around. When you wake up the next morning you in his arms, head on his chest. "We have a case" he mumbles. 

A/N oop soft hotch again okay next chapter is gonna be long as hell  I promise <3

Pull Me Closer || Aaron Hotchnerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें