If This Is Love

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TW: Swearing

As you pull up to Hotch's house you knock on his door, not expecting him to answer, but when he does your heart stops. "Is Jack home?" you ask. He shakes his head no, "Can I come in?" He nods opening the door more, "Sure. Do you want coffee?" You nod, sitting at his kitchen island. "Hotch I'm sorry I was out of line yelling at you like," he cuts you off. "You were right. Everything you said was true. I was scared so I pushed you away." You sit there stunned. What was he afraid of? Even sitting in his kitchen it still hadn't hit you. "Y/N, the only reason I survived Haley was you. You kept me standing upright, helped me heal. I had always had feelings for you, even before Haley filed for divorce. But when she died and you stepped up, knowing I would shut down. That's when I knew I wanted to be with you. When you got taken it felt like my life was falling apart again, I thought I was losing you. Seeing you tied up like that, made me want to die. I'm sorry for pushing you away, I was afraid." he says.

Your heart skips a beat, breath catching in your throat. He loved you. Aaron Hotchner loved you. You stand up walking to him, hand cupping his face pulling him into a kiss. It wasn't hard or rushed, but soft and passionate. "Say it again," you whisper. "I want to be with you, Y/N." You smile kissing him again, "I want to be with you, Aaron Hotchner." He kisses you, his hand going to your neck. "Aaron, take me on a date, and fuck me after." he looks at you shocked. "Go home and get ready, I'll pick you up in an hour."

Y/N: Dave you're magic

Dave: I could've told you that

You smile at your phone before stepping into a shower, making sure you were in pristine condition for one Aaron Hotchner. He wouldn't tell you anything about the date, but you knew he pulled a few strings. A knock on your door alerts you of his presence, fixing your dress you walk to the door, opening it to see the one and only, flowers in hand. "You got me flowers?" You ask. "Well you said to take you on a date, and I plan on going through with your entire plan," he says emphasizing the last part, making you shiver. "Shall we?" he asks smirking at his effect on you. You smile taking his hand, "Are you telling me where we're going?" He pauses before responding, "Nope."

As he takes a final left you know where he's going. Your favorite place. The two of you had found it with Jack after Haley died, it quickly became your favorite place. "You didn't!" He smiles at your excitement. "It's our place, I had to," he says opening your door for you. You picked your favorite booth, the back right corner, where you could see everything but no one could hear you. "Y/N, I don't know if you want to, or if you want something casual but," you cut him off. "Aaron, I'm interested in one person and it's you. I'm not seeing anyone else." He smiles, you knew what he was going to ask before he did. "Good because you're mine." You roll your eyes. "Seems misogynistic, I wouldn't let Emily hear you say that."

"Speaking of, are we telling the team?" he asks. Your heart swells, he's letting you choose. "Can we keep it to us for now? It's not that I don't want people to know I just," you pause taking a deep breath, "We've gone through so much to get here. I just want to enjoy it just for us first, you know?" He nods, "Anything you want, we go at your pace." You grab his hand giving it a squeeze. "What do you want to tell Jack?" you ask, worried about the response. "I'm not sure yet. I don't want you to feel forced to take a role in his life sooner than you're ready to." You cut him off, "Aaron I love Jack. And I would be happy to be a part of his life, but I don't want to 'replace' Haley. I don't want him to forget her or think any less of her." you say softly. He looks at you with love and adoration. "You're perfect, you know that right?" You laugh, smiling softly. "I think the feeling is mutual Hotchner."

When you get back to his house the night takes a turn, kisses become more heated. Desperate and needy. "Aaron, please." You whimper his hand at the back of your head, tugging your hair slightly. As he goes to pull you to his bedroom his phone rings, he moves a hand to your neck before answering, squeezing lightly. "Hotchner," he answers. "Okay, yeah JJ I'll be there in 20." He sighs hanging up. "We have a case." You groan, shuffling your legs like a kid having a tantrum. "Why, why does the universe hate me." he chuckles. "Come one, we can stop at yours so you can change and grab your go bag."

A/N MWAH okay next chapter starts something I'm really excited about, I hope you liked this one <3

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