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"Do you think you could bend metal if you try really hard?"

My mind is too tired to process what Alissa had said to me as fast as I normally would. With all the thoughts bouncing back and forth in my mind - most of them in languages that vary - I'm almost deaf to the world around me, just barely focusing on the small girl trudging next to me. Usually, this wouldn't bother me as I'm used to hundreds of minds wandering into my own, but now that most of them are of a different language it feels somewhat odd, which has me distracted. Most of it is Japanese, seeing as we are now I'm japan, having just arrived at the Shizuoka Prefecture airport. The flight was long, although very luxurious - courtesy of our fathers - and my body is very openly complaining to me. Perhaps it's my exhaustion that has the thoughts feeling overabundant. Either way, I think I should find my hearing aids if I wish to avoid a headache, one I can practically feel climbing to the surface the more voices fill my head.

A shiver runs up my spine with the sudden feeling of anxiety, a feeling I'm certain does not belong to me, in fact; I'm certain it belongs to the poor little boy we just walked past. He seems terrified of getting on anything that will take to the air. It's a fear I can somewhat understand as I too had been anxious to take flight. With the millions of scenarios running through my mind, you can't blame me for being anxious on a metal contraption that is supposed to stay in the air.


"What?" A nap, that's what my body needs right now. A good workout to rid myself of this terrible bodily tension, a long warm bath, and finally a good - and very much well deserved - nap. I can barely focus on this girl right now, but focusing on her is better than entertaining some of the ridiculous thoughts in my mind.

"Did you hear a word I said?" She questions me with an accusation in her eyes.

"No, not really. I'm exhausted" the truth will set you free they say, but I know the truth will only end with her repeating her words until I answer.

"I said; do you think you could manipulate metal if you try really hard?" She repeats herself and now that I've given her my undivided attention I can't really help the surprised look I'm sure I have. Well, that's a valid question right there. Could I? For some reason, I never thought about it despite my abilities being what they are and so very similar to elemental bending. Why had I never considered this? I'm always thinking of the most ridiculous things, but I need Alissa to bring such an obvious curiosity to my notice?

"Think about it" she goes on as if reading my own thoughts. "Since you can manipulate the earth, it would be scientifically possible to manipulate metal or anything containing earth particles wouldn't it? Most pure metals, like aluminum, silver, and copper, come from the Earth’s crust, after all, so maybe you could manipulate them as well. It would be cool and a good way to make your quirk more versatile and powerful than it already is"

She has an amazing point, and it would be far more beneficial to me since everything nowadays is made of metal, iron, and the likes. Sometimes I forget how smart this kid is, but then again, she does act like some fool whenever she's around. Still, she has an amazing mind in that skull, one I cannot figure out as easily as others. It's been years but I still can't navigate the maze that is her mind, because Alissa's thoughts are scrambled, bouncy, too enthusiastic, just like her. Before I can grasp one thought there's another bouncing around already, taking me away from what was before.

And she has this stupid thing where she can think the exact opposite of what she's about to do, something she developed just to throw me off during our training sessions.

"I never thought about it, but it's a great consideration"

"Yup and just like that you can try to make ice"

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