Quite possibly a date?

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You only realize how much you missed the people in your life when they come back to you, a fact that I have heard many state, but not one I could relate to myself until now. It's been almost a week since mom, dad, and the kids appeared and every day feels like the best day because I get to spend time with them again. Dad instantly falls for my tricks once more, ending up covered in a bucket of slime I had gathered every time Mina used her quirk. It's weird that I do that, yes, but I have been wanting to dump a bucket of slime on someone, so yeah. Besides, I didn't just dump a bucket of slime on my father without reason, we made a wager, which he lost, terribly, so he was punished. Took him a while to get the stuff off his skin and out his hair, but he left the bathroom smelling like the forest and grinning brighter than ever. Mom does what she does best and makes the kitchen her own, successfully modeling it to her taste and desire so she can cook up the delicacies only she can make. She makes mac and cheese first thing first because it's my favorite and it's always better when she makes it. She also sleeps with me every night, not once joining dad in their guest room, and sometimes dad would join in too, because why not? I have enough space for us to squeeze in and I quite enjoy it. And my siblings are just the greatest creatures to walk this earth and nothing compares to their collective adorableness and no one will be changing my mind. They are not much alike, not at all. As young as they are they have character alright, clear distinguishing personalities that set them apart from each other. Elijah is a quiet little boy, not talking very much and when speaking it is only when he deems it absolutely necessary, I have learned. His exceptional silence makes it very easy for him to disappear and reappear almost as well as Alissa and that is a bit concerning considering he's a baby, a small human who you can easily lose sight of. He still loves building blocks and is smart enough to make somewhat complex models that sometimes impress me. He likes to eat, he really does, I caught him making a run with a stolen cookie once. An adorable thief that one.

Clover on the other hand, well, she's Clover. She talks to me, she does, she plays with her toys and talks to me about anything that comes to that beautiful mind of hers and I must say; for a two-year-old, she is quite the conversationalist. She has a lot of little books she likes to amuse herself with, as well as many toys that involve letters and learning to spell. She's gonna be a reader, I reckon. Maybe not, but she seems to like letters and sings her phonics song often. Clover is also incredibly fast, something I had learned when I had to chase her to get the TV remote. How do her chubby little legs give her that much speed? I was honestly baffled by the speed of that child and dad could only laugh at me.

Also, she has good aim.

It's safe to say that the past week has been amazing for me.

"Do you have any friends Alissa?" My mother asks when we're gathered in the living room enjoying some random movie. The question makes me snort and Alissa doesn't seem much better off.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because I've only ever seen Zena's friends come over" mom admits, and that is an amazing point. You would think that my cousin has no friends - I would tease her about it maybe - but she actually does, well, she has one friend I think. She swears Iida is not her friend because she despises him, but they interact.

"Well I do have friends" she has one, she mentally reminds herself but doesn't openly admit that.

"Do they come over?"

"Nope," she says popping the P.

"Any reason why?"


Yeah, Alissa's friend situation is one I couldn't understand at first. She is absolutely in love with her friend, she swears she has a better friendship than I do with Eijiro and Mina - I take offense. She went and got a friend who likes to do the weirdest experiments - just like her - and they both build weird things. Fun fact, that friend doesn't even go to the same school as her. They met at some robotics competition - at least I think it was robotics - and things clicked immediately. They exchanged numbers and Alissa talks to her every day.

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