No one likes math

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"How skilled are you in history and math?"

Halfway through my delicious burger Mina dumps her bag and food opposite me and practically drops down onto the bench. Her question has me staring at the two papers she slammed on the table, slowly chewing my food and awaiting further explanation despite me not needing one. She failed in the mentioned subjects and wants to redeem herself so here we are. I suppose she believes I can help her because I'm always busy with homework during lunch. Just a few seconds ago I put away my English work, satisfied with myself and the completion of my work. In all the time I've been here I've never brought homework home and I'm proud of that fact.

"I went and failed my tests," she says this laughing as if it isn't a concern on her mind.

"Uhuh" another bite off my burger and another moment of silence as Mina wordlessly unpacks her lunch and dives in. She still seems so cheery despite having failed and while she is worried about it, it doesn't dampen her mood entirely.

"So, are you any good with history and math?" She asks again. "I have a feeling you are"

"Why? Because I always make my homework during lunch?" A valid question and the nod she gives me is expected.

"I see how easily you do your work, so I'm assuming"

"Well, yeah, I am" I've made it a goal to be good in every subject taught at school and that goal has been achieved. The first couple of tests I made all ended with me getting solid hundreds. Besides, this is easy enough with my education reaching college level already.

"Great, I need a tutor" she mumbles as she retrieves my own papers, looking quite impressed with my score. "Wow, you aced them both"

Of course I did. Anything lower would not be worthy of my mother's praise. And straight-A's make teachers like you and whatnot, and it's good to have teachers who like you.

"Got any club activities later today?" She asks.


"Me neither, you think you can help me today?"

"Sure" I've got nothing better to do anyway. With Morgan gone for most of the day today and Israel off somewhere and Alissa coming home late due to club activities I would be by my lonesome and, while there's a lot I can do on my own, I don't mind helping Mina out.

She nods, cheeks stuffed with whatever she's eating.

"Your house or mine?" She asks next and my mind blanks. Huh, I've never gotten this far into a friendship before, I realize. Mina seems to realize that when I don't answer and I will ignore the amused smile.

"Did you blank?" She asks knowingly and I am confused as to who has the mind-reading quirk here because I don't think she should know me well enough to realize this.


"You really have no experience, huh?" It is pitying if she weren't so nice about it all.

"I was homeschooled, the only people I interacted with are my family"

"Yeah, I could've told you that," she says as if it were obvious enough. Where does she get her people skills, because this thing she has for always knowing what's wrong could be a superpower in its self.

"You can come over to my house if you're allowed" she suggests. "Though you don't have to if you'd prefer your own place"

I'm not even sure.

"Or we could just stay in school. There are plenty of empty classes to find"

Good option, but not the one that's gonna work. Since I have no activities later I am expected to be at the house at a certain time, just before Israel leaves to do whatever it is he has to do. Though I could call and say there's been a change of plans, but if I told Morgan what those plans were she would tell me to invite Mina over. But if I invite her over and Lissa comes home while she's still there, there's another problem to deal with as she'll either tease me or bombard Mina with questions. The latter should be avoided because then the two will get into a cheerful conversation that could quickly lead to Lissa spilling all my secrets.

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