Dad's job is pretty cool

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Dad's job becomes somewhat clear to me once we return to the agency after patrolling for an hour or two more after the whole tentacle guy incident. I still can't get the image and thought of this guy out of my mind. There are many odd quirks in this world and just as many odd people to balance that out. I find myself wondering why exactly he had done what he had done just before I remember the prejudice that is still very much present in this world. As long as there are people there will always be unfairness in the world for all men are not equal. It is something Izuku understood at a young age and something those naive purposely ignore. Why do villains become villains? When is one considered a villain? What makes a villain? A villain is never the bad guy in their own eyes. They are the heroes of their own story as they try to change the world the only way people made them believe they could. Villains, heroes, good, bad; it's all just a spectrum that make the people feel better about what they do. They judge others based on what is considered good or bad, they deem others villainous by the scale of heroes and villains.

Why do villains become villains?

Well, what else are you supposed to when people make you feel as if you don't belong? What do you do when others tell you what you must become, ridicule you for something you cannot control, blame you for having powers you did not ask for?

Maybe the heroes were never there, leaving you voiceless and unseen.

Maybe those claiming to be heroes are the ones who condemn you.

Maybe those who swore to love you unconditionally are the first to leave you to your "fate"

There are many reasons, some far crueller than others some perhaps ridiculous when you think about it.

But the fact remains.

Villains are the product of society's hate and prejudice. Society itself is the cause of its own downfall.

Why do I always start off on one track and go down one completely different?

I was talking about my father's job, now I'm contemplating the meaning behind villains and villainy itself.

We're back at the agency when the sun is passing its peak. Instead of returning to the office, I'm following my father and his boss, who I found out is called Solis. I'm pretty sure the name has something to do with sun seeing as Sol is the first part of the word. It could be Latin, but I'm not too educated in that category. The only languages I'm studying are Japanese and French. If someone asked me why in the world I've chosen French to study I would not be capable of answering the question for I myself don't even know why I went along with it. I suggested it as a joke and my mother, beautiful woman that she is, took it to heart and has hired me a French teacher on top of a Japanese instructor. At the very least I'm sure to get along with Aoyama if I ever meet him.

"I'm basically a glorified personal assistant" dad starts talking with a clear amount of pride and excitement at informing his daughter of his profession. "I follow my boss around and do anything he would need me to do, be it fighting villains alongside him, keeping civilians away from the battle, patch him up after a rough fight or simply file out a report for the day"

His job is so damn simple to explain yet he tried to keep it from me for some reason. See how easy it was for him to explain? Why could he not have done that all these years? My mother is no better either. She has the same exact job for crying out loud.

"So if he called you up to go to his house because of one thing or another, you'd  have to go?" That could perhaps explain why they had to be away for the night that one night a couple of years ago.

"Well yeah, it's my job. I get paid a pretty penny for it after all"

"I try not to take him away from his family, so once he's off I don't usually contact him" Solis explains to me.

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