Idle 2

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It's early into the night when Morgan returns, a medium-sized box cradled in her hands and a bag of takeout hanging from her wrist. The young woman struggles to get in her house, almost stumbling over her feet as she tries not to drop the box and bag she has so precariously in her arms. Staying on her feet she finds her way into the kitchen where she dumps the bag and puts the box on the floor. It jostles when it touches the cold floor, shifting an inch away from where she had originally placed it. Standing over the box she couldn't help but think that she had been tricked once more by her friend, the only person who always finds a way to have her agreeing to even the dumbest things. She had left the house for one thing and ended up returning with a group of kittens. For crying out loud, she already had a buttload of animals out in the yard and house. Of course, that is why she was given the kittens as her love for animals never failed her friend once. Most of the creatures she has, have been given to her by that girl, especially those bunnies. The bunnies are funny and ironic.

"Well, what's four more?" The box is opened up, each kitten being lifted up and out to find their way around the house. Their loud calls fill her ears as she gathers some bowls to give them a feeding of milk for the moment. Perhaps she'll hand them off to one of her female cats who would love to have kittens of her own. They tend to adopt pretty easily.

Leaving them with some milk she finally heads off to find her cousins. The stairs are ignored as she heads straight to the basement, fully expecting to find them there after she had told Zena about it. She may not have seen them in forever but she's heard enough to know that they are all skilled in multiple fighting styles and that they take to sparring at any opportunity, so naturally they would be in the basement. She could hear the fight taking place before she opens the door leading down to her little gym set up. She can also hear what she assumes to be Israel's grunt of defeat. Either he got double-teamed or he let one of them win. It is most likely the latter.

Coming down into the gym, the first person she lays eyes on happens to be Zena, who seems to be showing off as she walks on her hands with ease. Though from the way Alissa's grinning Morgan considers that Zena may have been dared or forced to do the handstand. She earns a wave from Alissa and is barely regarded by her younger brother as she finds somewhere to sit and simply watch. Vincent had bragged to her on the phone, telling her all kinds of things about Zena's physical abilities, as well as her physical appearance. True to his words Zena does indeed have a fit body with muscles Morgan couldn't have noticed under the baggy clothes she had arrived in. Her biceps flexed as she held her body up, sweat dripping down her forehead and onto the floor, yet she moved like liquid as if she were not straining. Perhaps she wasn't and it indeed is that easy for her to support her weight. Her shirt had flopped into her face at some point, revealing a toned stomach that is a testament to her physical health.

"What are you lot up to?" Morgan finally asks, eyes still on Zena, observing. Zena couldn't see her, not through her curtain of hair that had fallen into her face with her activity.

"Nothing really" Alissa shrugs. "Zena just lost a bet so she's being punished"

"This is nothing," said girl says with a grunt as she continues her activity.

"If you say so, you still have four minutes to go" Lissa smiles. "You're really strong"

"Thanks for the compliment"

"Hey, it's the truth. You came pretty close to beating me in an arm wrestle, that's impressive" Israel offers his own words of praise, just the slightest quirk of his lips indicating his cheery mood.

His words earn a chuckle as Zena turns to take another walk down the mat. Her legs are bent at the knees, offering her a better sense of balance, hands spread shoulder length aiding in that department as well.

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