Chapter 53

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The fact that I'm excited to go to the library should be appalling, but that's just how things are apparently. It's Saturday and I'm dead set on acquiring some nice books and wouldn't you know it, UA has a massive library with an almost infinite collection. Geez, all they would need is some on-campus restaurants and stores and they would be a school city, we wouldn't even have to leave to get the basics needed for living. Mina had made her displeasure about the situation known even as I slipped through the door and promised to make things up to her when I return. I did plan on spending the day with her and after having lost a bet it has been decided that our next activity will be "dress up". I'll be the poor unfortunate soul who has to model for her and there's nothing I can do about that. Eijiro has earned a ticket to the show and somehow Jiro found out and has invited herself, so I'll be putting on a show it seems.

The library hadn't been that hard to find, just as Israel had said and all I would need is my student pass to have access to every book I would need. The door is as massive as all the others in this school and there's a simple "library" written just above the door, basic, but helpful. The door slides open quite easily and for a moment I have to wonder if the school has all the books in existence. Rows upon rows upon rows upon rows of books line the walls as soon as you step foot into the room. The shelves reach high until they meet the ceiling and the ceiling makes it look as if the room goes up and up.

Oh man.

There's a desk and computer where one would expect a librarian, but there's no one there. I wonder who mans the library - whether it's a student or a faculty member.

Dismissing the missing librarian I travel deeper into the room, not sure where anything is, but willing to explore every shelf if I have to. I doubt I'll need to, however, since the rows and shelves have names that would suggest what type of books could be found in that area. I see fantasy and my interest is piqued. There's a book I've been reading and I'm too close to finishing it without the second book on my shelf. If the school has it, that'll save me some money, that's for sure. It's a classic fantasy book, nothing special so I didn't think I would love it as much as I do. Oddly addicting and investing. The hero is the typical chosen one who has to defeat the big bad. There's the angsty rival, the obvious love interest that is far better than the one the main character is currently head over heels in love with. The mc has an amazing ability unlike what anyone has ever seen before and I'm sure the final battle will end with the power of friendship.

Cheesy and cliche but I live for it.

I'm quite lucky today, aren't I? Because I see the book just a few feet away and I'm thanking whichever higher being's watching over me in this life. You have never let me down, whoever you are, and I appreciate it.

My mom sometimes used to joke about how things don't go your way when you acknowledge that things have been going your way for some time and those words come back to me when I bump into literal air.

"You see, this is just great"

There's nothing in front of me, nothing at all and the air isn't moving as if something is solid standing in the middle of the aisle. Reaching out and hoping my perception of things may have gone hey wire I am not too relieved to meet something solid. Solid and smooth and obviously there, yet not visible to the eye.

It's likely someone's quirk is at work because I don't think it can be anything else at the moment.

All I have to do is locate the nearest person and see if I can get them to remove the invisible wall in my way. And it's not a hard task, with how quiet the library is it's easier to focus on the wandering thoughts until I latch onto the nearest voice and with it comes a very vivid imagination. The wall in front of me is supposedly purple and made of solid stone. I reach out and knock, I hear nothing, but someone apparently does and they're alert.

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