Dorm Mates

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Turns out, Orochi is a female snake and a young one too. I had contacted Morgan about my stowaways and she wasted no time getting them what they would need to survive in my dorm. She appeared around an hour or so after I had called her, hands full and barely making it through my door without falling. She was kind enough to buy a suitable enclosure for my cold-blooded friend and instructed me on all the ins and outs of keeping a snake. Lucky for me, Orochi is one of those snakes that don't require much care and don't need to eat rodents. I just need to make sure her home is the right temperature for her and keep it clean at all times and she'll be a happy snake. Kurama for his part was happy to finally get his bed back and has not left it since I had put it in his designated corner. He has his food bowl and water bowl and some of his toys scattered. Just to annoy him, I put a party hat on his head and watch him attempt to get it off. Naturally, he fails and gives up some time later. Surprisingly he doesn't throw a fit and start screaming at the top of his lungs. Let just hope neither Kurama nor Orochi escapes my room when I'm not around because that would be a hassle.

Morgan left as soon as she helped me set up Orochi's home and I learned she had something important to take care of when she rushed off. Always the busy person, Morgan. Oh well. After seeing her off I find one of my hidden juice boxes in the fridge down in the common room and enjoy the beverage as I look around. It looks just like the anime, that's for sure. You can really tell that UA has tons of money to spend by how amazing their student housings are. My former dorm building could never even compare to this right here and I'm sure I'll enjoy my stay greatly.

I'm not by my lonesome for long as a familiar person rounds the corner just as I decide to leave. I'm met with a vacant stare for a moment before I'm offered a greeting in a simple wave of the hand. Dark green hair, vacant stare, oddly wide mouth, and slightly bigger hands.

Huh, I'm standing in front of Asui Tsuyu and she's incredibly adorable.

"Hello" She finally speaks and it's in that almost broken and sporadic manner that I'm familiar with. A voice like that shouldn't be as appealing as it is, but it has always been adorable. Perhaps it's because it's Tsuyu's voice. It would make sense, wouldn't it?

"Hey" don't be awkward, Zena, this is perfectly fine, you can interact like a normal person.

Well, I sure hope I can as I haven't attempted to actually befriend someone since Eijiro. Hell, it took me an embarrassingly long time to finally interact with my classmates, and even then it was barely worth anything. I hardly talked to them safe for when they had some concerns on certain topics or when I was partnered with someone.

Funnily enough, my social ineptitude was mistaken for aloofness and indifference, which was attractive to most, because, for some reason, a good number of students had crushes on me.

I was basically the Sasuke of the class and that was an odd experience. Never had I been the attention of anyone in that manner so it was something to get used to.

"I'm Asui Tsuyu" She introduces with a smile.

Aaaah, okay.

"Fox Zena" I still do not like introducing myself in that manner. It has always been Zena Fox, which sounds incredibly better than Fox Zena. But it is common to introduce oneself by family name first, or even just the family name so I have to deal with it.

"Fox?" She does this thing where she places her finger on her chin when she's thoughtful.

"You can call me Kitsune" I've come to understand that people simply do not like saying my name as it is as the Japanese pronunciation of it can be quite the hassle. And I've gotten so used to Kitsune that it might as well be my actual name at this point.

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