Chapter 60

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The police station resembles a ruin sight, with metal, detritus, and broken wood scattered in the place that once held a prestigious building. There's a border of yellow tape keeping the civilians from wandering too far into the destruction and getting in the way of the heroes, police officers, firemen, and medics that are currently on the scene. There hadn't been that many people in the building, but most of them got injured in the grand scheme of things. I'm catching the tail end of many conversations, all that paint the events leading up to such destruction. No one had noticed Gigantomachia until it was too late. They don't understand where he could have come from. Next to that, there is also the question as to how Kurogiri had gotten out of his quirk restricting constraints to be able to use his abilities. Shigaraki had gotten out of them as well, if the recounts of the story are to be trusted.

"Funny seeing you here" I hear from behind me and turn in time to have a hand on my head in a simple gesture.

Morgan's eyes gleam in curiosity and concern as she looks at me, the bottom half of her face hidden by the grey mask that may function as a respirator.

"I heard about what happened from Midnight," she says, looking over the destruction with keen eyes. "If things had gone our way you likely would have gotten a ton of information off those guys," she says.

"We're very unlucky" I hear Midnight say as she approaches us. She dusts herself off as she walks, making a face that speaks of her displeasure with how this had gone. When she stands near me, she spares a glance around the scene, eyes seeming to scan everyone present before blue eyes land on Morgan. "It's the Vixen"

In reply, I hear Morgan scoff out a laugh "will you ever get over it?"

"No" is Midnight's blunt reply, before she looks at me. "Does this hero thing run in the family?"

"More or less," Morgan says just as I do, shrugging and everything. "Though I must ask why my baby cousin is still here"

Midnight doesn't seem very convinced by that inquiry. Apparently, Morgan should know why I'm still here.

"Shouldn't you be helping the others move things around?" Midnight asks in turn.

"The big strong men didn't want me to hurt myself" the words are quite mocking as Morgan spares a look at a group of male heroes. "They're new to the business, don't know shit yet. I'll let them break their back for a while" she says, then smiles. "They don't even know that I'm their boss. They think my agency is owned by some big-shot male hero"

Ah, that is one of the reasons Morgan keeps more to herself when it comes to the public knowing too much about her life and the things she does. It's fun to see the media fight each other for her attention in hopes of learning more about her or glimpsing more into her life.

They don't get very far.

"Sorry to interrupt"

Kuma's presence is hard to ignore and I had seen her coming some time ago. She stands with her hands on her hips and a rather lazy smile on her face as she looks around.

"Someone is lying," she says with that same smile. "Someone has to be lying"

The story is too confusing to get any useful information out of it, which makes sense since everything must have happened all at once and all of a sudden. Despite that, Kuma is convinced that someone is lying - or multiple people. She believes someone helped the villains out of their quirk canceling restrictions or at least played a hand in making this such a surprise situation.

"Someone's lying," she says again, looking at me. "Who's lying?"

I suppose the time has come for me to take the hearing aids off. It was fun while it lasted.

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