Chapter 49

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"There's a robbery, for example"

Glasses glimmer under the artificial light of the room as the man speaks - loud and clear as to be heard by all. He stands near his desk, leaning back slightly and facing his students with a lazy and always there smile. A long ponytail goes down his back, with strands of hair sticking out near the front and falling before his eyes. He's dressed in a simple shirt and pants and acts as casual and laid back as he is dressed. He has been introduced as Mr. Mitamura - Mitamura sensei - and has been very pleasing to listen to, despite how sleep-inducing his class may have sounded at first.

"Those happen rather often" he continues, talking as if he were telling an interesting story. Dark eyes take in the room, watching the faces of his students, smiling even more when he notices that they are indeed listening. "The criminal has been cornered by the cops and has taken multiple hostages. In fact, they have one at gunpoint"

It's an example he has used many times before as it is a situation that happens quite often in this day and age. Many would think that the appearance of heroes would scare any daring enough to commit a crime, yet people still attempt to rob banks.

"How do we proceed?"

A hand goes up and dark eyes travel to the boy. Dark hair, grey eyes, round glasses, an expressionless face.

"Nitsu, right?"

"Yes sir" the boy nods.

"Go ahead then"

"If we're too brash the hostages will be in far more danger than they already are so the best course of action in this situation would be to try and negotiate" he proposes, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear, yet still sounding oddly soft. He speaks as impassive as his face appears to be - stoic and flat. "Or perhaps find a weakness, a fear and talk them down using this weakness or fear or perhaps intimidate and threaten"

"Smart choice, but let's say negotiations don't work" Mitamura counters. "Let's say you can't get through to the bad guy, they're too hot-headed, perhaps. What do you do now?"

Another hand goes up - a white-haired girl with bright round eyes and sharp brows. She's from class B if he's correct.

"Yoroi Ren?" He says questioningly and smiles when she nods.

"Talking has failed so we have to take different actions. We need to get into the bank without the criminal noticing as to not alert him and have a hostage killed. Someone distracts the bad guy, somehow, but make sure he is distracted while another sneaks into the bank to handle the situation face to face" Yoroi suggests with a contemplative silence following her as if she's thinking over her own words. "I believe it would be the next best thing to do"

"Good, good" Mitamura nods, smiling. Good, the kids are presenting logical solutions to the problem and thinking about it carefully.

He looks about the room before he continues his questioning, taking in the many eyes staring back at him. The room resembles a college classroom, with benches instead of chairs and long shared tables in place of desks.

"You get in, but the villain notices you before you can knock him out and goes for the attack. You get into a fight and things are damaged within the bank" he creates the scenario and watches them go off in their imagination. "The press blames you for the damages"

"That's stupid," someone says - someone seated in the front row who scoffs loudly.

"But it happens more often than you would think," says Mitamura, sighing. "Fights happen and things are destroyed. It is unavoidable in this business"

"Stupid" the same person repeats, a boy with curly silvery-white hair and narrow black eyes.

"Yeah it can be, but what would you do in this situation?"

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