Then there were two

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There comes a time in every child's life where things take a drastic change. At the age of ten, I had fully believed I had went through every life-changing situation that could take place in a normal child's life. As normal a life as one can lead in this world. I woke up someone else, got two quirks, discovered a new ability to one of them three years later and struggled to fully understand it for the next two years. I've had people trespass on my property trying to kidnap me and I've just recently crashed my bike into a tree. The last is not as grand as all the others but it's the one that has a nasty scrape on my elbow that I'm constantly reminded of. The point I'm trying to make is that I was sure that I've gone through every life-changing situation for a child.

There is just one possibility I had overlooked, one that should have been most considered.

"You're pregnant?"

My mother's nodding the question, a look of joy on her face and a pregnancy test in one hand. I take a look at it, just to make sure this woman doesn't need glasses and lo and behold it's positive. She's pregnant. There's a baby cooking in that belly, a little monster waiting to be born.

What in tarnation?

When had they even-

Why is that my first thought?

"This is why you use protection dear mother, to avoid things like this"

"Zen" she's giving me the look that lets me know my comment is not appreciated and I take it to heart. "We wanted another baby, this is no accident"

Why would you want another baby, Rose? You already have me and I'm enough trouble for the both of you. Have you forgotten that your husband almost died just a few days ago because of my dumb antics? Do you need a reminder? And let's not forget about the kidnapping attempt two years ago. Another child is another target making it more likely for another attempt. Another child means another monster to deal with. Another child makes me an older sister and we do not want that. Me as an older sister spells bad news for that poor unborn child because I will either put them through hell or train them to a mini-me and both are terrible outcomes.

"So you planned on having another child?"

She nods.

"Without talking to me?" Don't parents consult the child they already have about adding another to the collection? "You're supposed to prepare me for this so I can ask God all mighty for my preferred gender. Now I'm late and might not get a baby sister. You see what you've done woman? Now I need to send a request every morning and night"

If mom wasn't used to my nonsense I'm sure she would be questioning where she had gone wrong with me. Maybe she is, but she's laughing at my idiocy as she always does, knowing not to take me seriously.

"I'm sorry we didn't talk to you first, but if it makes you feel any better, you're the first person I've told" she's trying to fix my hair back in place as she tells me this. Awe, well yeah that makes me feel better but still. They should've told me.

"You better birth another little girl"

"A boy wouldn't be so bad"

"But I want a baby sister" I can turn her into a mini-me and train another fighter. Hehehe. I'll teach her to torment and manipulate that sucker we have for a father. "But a boy is not bad either. Boys don't get periods, after all"

"Yes, yes, of course that's your reasoning"

What else did you expect from me?

"Don't tell your father, okay? I'll talk to him"

I realize that it's best she tell him, but something in me just wants to blurt it out of nowhere and shake him to his very core. We'd be talking about what we'll play in the backyard or maybe we'll be playing video games and yelling back and forth and then boom! Out of nowhere I drop the bomb on him and watch him malfunction.

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