New discoveries

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The soft glow of the moon cast over Zena's bedroom window, illuminating her room in soft light. The now eight-year-old lie on her bed, eyes almost glowing in the dark as she blankly stared up at the stars adorning her ceiling. She had woken in the dead of night, the clock alerting her to the time and a sigh displaying her frustration. Three in the morning and sleep could not find her. It's unusual for her to be awake at this hour for she had grown used to her bedtime, always following her parents' words. She did not know why she was awake, she could not remember her dream, she could not feel comfortable in her bed. An hour went by with her staring at her decorated ceiling before she sat up with an exaggerated and wild motion. She huffed out in agony as she scrambled out of her bed, struggling not to get caught in her blanket and face planting into her floor. The cold air hit her body, seeing a shiver down her spine, dampening her mood even more. Her steps were almost soundless as she left her room in search of some water or warm milk. The soft buzz of invading thoughts kept her company in the apparent empty house. It was dark and silent, feeling as if she were the only one present. Perhaps she was, after all, both her mother and father had something important to take care of on this fateful night. She was still clueless when it came to their work. All she knows is that they work for the heroes and that this work makes them just as susceptible to attacks as the heroes themselves. This very reason is what kept at least one of them home with their daughter. It is only after Zena reassured them that she'd be perfectly fine that they both left for their urgent matter.

She would be fine.

She had the kind butler that was supervising her. He's always nearby, always prominent in her mind. Even now as she traversed the halls of her house there's the feeling of being watched, a feeling that at first had her feeling uneasy. Now, used to it as she is, it brought calm. The butler was a nice man. He's always there, but she hardly ever saw or heard him. She never saw him do the duties he's apparently supposed to do.

"I'm fine"

There's a neatly dressed man at her side, eyes cast on her small form with a look of worry. The words were the answer to a question he did not get the chance to ask. Even if this child said sue was okay it is unusual for her to be awake at this hour.

Their walk to the kitchen was filled with silence, no words following those of Zena. Her head filled with the thoughts of those unable to sleep, listening to their rants, worries and useless chatter.

A glass of milk was placed before her as she climbed onto a bar stool. Opposite her sat the man who always lingered in the shadows and barely showed himself to those he works for. It's the first time Zena got the chance to take in his appearance, truly take in his appearance. The man seems younger than she had originally suspected, appearing to be in his late twenties. His hair was a mess of tiny curls on his head, barely contained by the hair the hair hell glinting in the low light. Tan skin appeared almost golden as grey eyes reflected. He had high cheekbones, she noted, downturned eyes and a sharp nose. The suit he worse fit nicely on his body, not body fit but tight enough to display the muscles underneath. She absently wondered if she'll see him again after she returns to her room.

"Got a good look?" He asks with a friendly smile after noting Zena's stare. The child made a faint noise and nodded, not at all embarrassed by being caught. She had not been trying to be discreet anyway.

"I've seen you exactly three times, at least from what I can remember" she says. "It's the first I get to actually look at you"

"Oh?" He puffs out his chest and wears a faux serious expression. "And what do you think? Am I fit to be your protector?"

"Well, you're strong" she shrugs and says nothing more. Her milk is warm and soothing as it goes down her throat, slowly bringing back the need for sleep as she had hoped. "That counts for something"

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