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A nap is something I truly need at the moment and I came very close to chasing dreams before someone decided it would be a good idea to use me as a full body pillow and essentially pull me out of my slumber. Now with the prospects of some rest ruined, I'm left to wallow under the weight of a rambling Mina, who tells me all about how her exam had gone and the person she was teamed with. Her recounting and the game on Eijiro's TV is enough of an idle distraction that the loss of sleep isn't that much of a bother anymore. It helps that Mina had gotten off me in favor of simply lying against my side, a position that is comfortable for both parties. If she were to lie on me any longer I would have to push her off and she'd probably get dramatic over it. Eijiro pipes in every now and then about his own experience, though his attention is far more focused on the game he's playing and the flashes on the screen.

I had barely been in my house for ten minutes and Eijiro had called me to come over and promised I could take a nap on his bed, so here I am. Alissa probably would have come along if she didn't run off with Morgan to do god knows what. Those two together are pure chaos and if they're joined by Rumi, well, I pray for whoever has to deal with those three.

"Turns out it was all an illusion" Mina concludes the long retelling of her physical exam. From what I've gathered, her opponent has some sort of illusion-based quirk that is extremely realistic. From scents to feel, to sight and all. That's incredibly powerful, actually. A freaking genjutsu type quirk.

"That's a manly quirk" Is Eijiro's take on the information. "My guy had invisible weapons"

Invisible weapons, I wonder how that works. Does he turn any weapon he touches invisible or does he truly harness weapons that cannot be seen? The latter would have to be some type of creation rather than an object to be found and used. If it's the former then the kid would be reflecting light off whatever weapon they wield to make it effectively invisible.

"What about your villain?"

"His quirk was some sort of noxious gas that he produced from his body," I say, recalling the terrible feelings that gas's brought within me. "Made me dizzy and nauseous, felt like I was about to throw up and I could barely walk without falling on my face"

"Oh man, must've suck" Eijiro sympathizes.

"Yes but it just proves that I was right to add a respirator of some sort to my suit" there's no telling what sort of situation I could end up in and I would rather not revisit that experience, especially when it could get me hurt.

"Plus it would look cool" an important factor in Mina's eyes. "Also, it's a bit hot"

"Why yes, the sun has been showing off today" Truly has been way too hot today, for no reason at all.

"Yes, now do something about it"

"Alright, let me just go fight the sun" Because what does she think I can do against the heat? She should talk to Eijiro about it, he has an AC and I doubt it's just there for show.

"Awe, you would fight the sun for me" Mina teases. "How romantic"

"What's not romantic is how fast I would just die if I even attempted something so ridiculous"

I'd have a far better chance blowing up the moon than even coming close to the sun.

"True, but still"

"There is no bright side, I would die, and that's not very bright"

"It would be, because you'd die near the sun, so it is bright" Mina argues casually and I'm not going to try and counteract her words anymore.

"She has a point," Eijiro says in agreement with a sagely nod. "It would be bright"

Yeah, okay sure.

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