The wedding

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Hey guys. So, this is a story I wrote myself. I got inspiration from TVD and it's a story mixed with season 6. You will find similarities, and some changes. I hope it doesn't confuse you too much.

There will be a lot of quotes from the characters. I would just like to warn you about my writing. It may not be the best, and there will be some small mistakes. Because English isn't my first language, and you can probably tell.

Remember to vote and comment!


Kais POV

As I saw everyone fall to the ground this great feeling came inside of me. I was filled with excitement. I just killed Josette at her wedding day. And by a tiny mistake a lot of innocent people died as well. But that was just fun. I mean if they just would have let me kill her at first, the innocent ones wouldn't have died. 

Oh, and I made a deal with Lilli, to get back at her sons. I put a curse on Elena. For her to wake up, Bonnie must die. 

As I walked out, I accidently stepped on a corpse or two. Blood was all over my body; you can really tell I made a bloodbath. I felt so powerful. I had multiple deaths on my hands, and I enjoyed it.


"Fuck" I yelled as I drove even faster. I was so late for the wedding. I've been out of Mystic Falls for some years now. I think 3 years has passed since I saw the others. I met this boy a couple of years ago. We had a great time, so we decided to move in together. But it wasn't in Mystic Falls. So, we traveled a long way to find our dream home. Little did I know, he was cheating on me. Multiple times. 

So, I killed him. Yep, because in the end of our relationship he was very abusive. But I'm a vampire, which he didn't know. So, let's just say he got a painful death.

I took a turn and arrived at the parking lot. I parked as fast as I could and walked towards the building, where the wedding was arranged. 

I saw this man walking out of the building. He was tall, he had dark brown hair, and he had a suit on. He looked very handsome.

As I got closer to him a saw blood all over him. My instinct told me to see if he was okay, I had to help him.

I walked towards this man in a hurry. To see if he was alright.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked. He didn't reply, he looked shocked. He just stood there. Then he smirked "It's not me you should be worried about." He said as he walked away. That was weird I told myself as I ran inside.

Inside was horror. Glass was shattered, chairs were all over the place, there were crying, yelling, and screaming. Corpses were everywhere. As I looked around, I got eye contact with Damon.

He looked shocked and scared. I ran as fast as I could towards him, to find Elena unconscious.

Elena and Damon had been dating for a couple of years. Damon practically stole Elena from Stefan. I mean Stefan and Elena were literally made for each other, but true love came in the way.

"Y/n.." he said with a fragile voice. "Hey big brother" I said and gave him a little smile. "What happened?" I asked. 

"A guy named Kai, he killed Jo and a lot of other people too. But Elena is not dead, I can hear her heartbeat. She just won't wake up. Y/n..., I don't know what's happening and it's freaking me out" he told me almost crying. 

I've never seen Damon like this. It was heart breaking. "Damon go help the others; I can take Elena to the hospital for you" I said. Damon nodded and went to help the others.

Heyyy, so that was chaper 1. Remember to vote and comment. 

Im sorry if you saw any mistakes, im on my way to write chapther 2. 


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