Chapter 35

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After the police interrogation, birthday celebration dinner, and the fireworks display, the Montmartre family returned to the hotel, specifically in their rented room. They had a long day and decided to sleep it off. But for Amnon, he had mixed emotions on his birthday. The boy remained sleepless, lying on the bed in the other room and thinking of what his interviewers and Walker had said to him. The skirmish incident of the Smithsonian musuem was still flashing in his mind.

Amnon kept looking at the window and tried to cover himself in a blanket. He wanted to shut his eyes, but sleep couldn't visit him. The Kree Eternal hybrid boy forced himself  and waited for several minutes to doze himself into his slumber, but his eyes were widely opened. He frowned and instantly sat up, removing his white blanket and repetitively slapping his face to make himself unconscious and meet his sleep.  He failed and heavily sighed when he angrily clutching his blanket.

Suddenly, he heard someone knocking the door and instantly opened it. It was his mother who entered the room as he slightly smiled at her. Carol sat beside him on the bed and looked at him with concern.

" Sleepless? " she asked and placed her left hand on her son's shoulders. 

" Yes, mom, " Amnon emotionlessly nodded.

" In few hours time, your birthday is over. You need to get some sleep and grow up very fast. "

" I know, Mom. I know, " he replied. " You don't have to tell me twice. "

" Are you still afraid of what happened this morning? "

" Yes..."

" Sometimes, bad things unexpectedly happen in such a special day like this, " Carol sadly spoke. " I'm sorry..."

" It's already happened. It's not your fault, Mom. "

Carol refrained to read her son's mind in secret as she decided to know more from him by talking. Amnon sincerely looked at his mother and started to compose his questions before asking her. He remained silent for a few seconds to minutes.

" Kid, is there something bothering you during the rest of the day? Did Mr. Walker tell you something? "

" Mom, why did these bad guys come and kill everybody? " he curiously asked.

The blonde Kree hybrid was closemouthed when she heard her son's question. Somehow, that reminded her earlier days in the Avengers, X-Men, and her other affiliations. She had understood and experienced how to deal with those kinds of people from planet Earth to the edge of the cosmos. Carol wanted to answer and explain to her son of what she had done before in detail, but she refused to recollect her heroic past and focused her life as a wife and mother. Amnon waited for his mother's response and looked at her.

" Kid, they do have some issues why they end up that way, " Carol broke her silence in her response. " They have their own goals to do bad things to make themselves feel good in their own way. "

" But Mom, how about those people they make them feel bad? Don't even think they will get harmed? "

" Some bad guys want to do that for some reasons, " she continued. " The others do that as a revenge to those who have hurted them before. "

" That's very hard to understand, Mom. "

" So, you got confused? "

" Yeah, " he nodded and dryly chuckled.

" Surely, they are pretty far-fetched to comprehend, " she gently touched and combed her son's golden locks using her left hand. " Got any questions for me? "

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