Chapter Four- Passed Love Ones

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She couldn’t help, but admire her uncle. She’s had to put up with this for about two months, while he was able to last four. She was able to control her blood lust since, unlike her uncle, she didn’t want to kill her human friend’s nor did she want to take any of their blood.

Miranda had meet Austin and Tamia two months ago, making it two months and two weeks, since she had seen the sky. Two months since Tamia gave her the extra blood from the mince and then blood pills.

The three of them had started to become close friends. Both Tamia and Austin would tell her what was going on with the outside world. Drew stopped going down every day and wasn’t home during the day. The two of them would ask her about historical events and what the founding fathers were like, she thought that they were selfish human beings. How the British never learned, America wasn’t taking any of their taxes nor were they happy about the ‘red coats’ being in their home. Boston hated it, if her brother was too be believed.

She opened her eyes, only to see a young male. Blonde hair and green eyes almost made her freeze, she had a friend with that extract colouring. He even had the same eye shape as her as well. He looked so much like Kaitlyn that it hurt. The blue yoga mat was hers, she would even use it for the same reason, to avoid having to sit on dirty floors.

“Yes, mortal?” Miranda asked while sitting up, he looked like he wanted to say something. It was a habit that Kaitlyn had as well, so she knew what she was dealing with.

“Why does he keep you alive?” he asked looking at her in the eye, never breaking eye contact “You’re kind… their nothing but monsters. Your kind took away my mum and then my brother!”

“Well, your kind took my family away from me,” Miranda told him with a shrug “then I guess that makes your kind monsters as well,”

“My mum… your kind killed my mum,” Jerry shouted with wide eyes “He was rapping her, when I tried to make him stop… all he did was rip her throat out,”

“No… Kaitlyn and here I was hoping that she had simply forgotten me,” she said while tears escaped her eyes “the cruel things of this life. My little sister shouldn’t have been killed. I wish I had killed, Trent Jaden, with my own bare hands, or Penelope killed him, when he tried to do it with her,”

“You knew mum,” Jerry said while looking at her with shock “you said ‘little sister’ does that mean mum was a vampire, does that mean Austin and I are vampires,”

“Child, calm down,”

“How do I ‘calm down’? My mum was a vampire and we just killed my aunts and uncles,”

“Jerry, isn’t it?” Miranda asked “I met your grandmother, unlike me, she was friends with my mum, while I was friends with yours. She had a habit of calling me ‘Big sister Mira’, she was one of the few that didn’t think vampires were the same,”

“You aren’t?”

“No, like you humans, we all have our own personalities,”

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