Chapter Fifty-Four: Vs

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On top of being freaking captured my head now hurts like hell and has a gash across it. I mean I am glad at least Kuro, Sanji and Luffy weren't captured when the rest of us were but I do wish a rock hadn't come down instead, bashing my head. At least the chute slowed it down. And it was worth it to see the confused looks from Arlong, Crocodile and whoever this new guy is. I am assuming that Kuro is the reason they aren't also captured. He probably out strategized them. It is nice to have a strategist on the crew, really, when it means we aren't going to die since they want to kill us all at once or at least kill Luffy by the sounds of it. Which, you know, good luck to them. No one is killing Luffy before he fulfils his dream.

The door to the left of us bursts from the hinges and I grin. Kuro, Sanji and Luffy. Yes! They can beat these assholes then we can all head to the Sunny.
"I know you from somewhere...You messed up one of my plans." Crocodile mutters, glaring at Kuro. So he holds a grudge against Kuro as well? That would have been nice information for him to tell us.
"I did?" Kuro asks with a doubtful look. "Actually, yeah, that does sound like something I would do. Although I do have a good memory so I feel like I would have remembered someone as aggravating as you."
"To be fair, I wasn't there but they said it was you," Crocodile seethes. "In fact what you did actually ruined some of my Alabasta plan so if it wasn't for you destroying that weaponized mushroom I would have won." Go Kuro!

Arlong is giving Luffy the evil eyes (or the more evil, I guess, because he is already scary as fuck).
"You took my navigator away," he seethes. "And everything I worked for. So I'm going to take everything from you.."
"So you're going to try to kill me, again?" Luffy asks, looking extremely undeterred. "And Nami isn't your navigator!"
"Yes she is!" Arlong snaps. "I can still use her better than you ever will!" Are they really arguing instead of fighting? "And no, I'm not going to kill you. Not straight away at least. You took what I worked for so I am going to take what you worked for...your crew. Once you can't fight I'll make you watch them all die." Wow, he just signed his own death warrant, huh?

So Kuro vs Crocodile, Luffy vs Arlong and Sanji vs new guy? Jakob I think? This is going to be good to watch and even better when they win. I don't doubt any of them. Kuro may have lost to Luffy easier than the other two but I know with the swords he is hugely better and can use a far more agile fighting style that would have challenged Luffy much more then. We still try to escape but this is going to be worth watching.

Jakob smirks and draws two knives with curved blades.
"You really think I haven't faced someone with knives?" Sanji asks with a bored expression. I grin. This guy is going to get taken down in seconds. Around him the air shimmers and then there are two of him. Then eight. Then they are completely surrounding Sanji and there are multiple on multiple. Oh shoot. Please say they aren't all corporeal. He- or they- laughs and it echoes creepily. Laughing exactly in sync is creepier than it should be.
"Go on then, face us," they say at once. "But which one of us?" Well that implies they at least aren't all corporeal. That is something at least, right? Right?

More of the Jakob's appear and whilst Sanji does land kicks for each illusion that fades another takes its place. The real Jakob has managed to land a few attacks on Sanji, slicing him a bit, and is managing to avoid an attack back by just adding illusions in his path. I would hate fighting this guy and am almost glad I got captured instead of Sanji. He can handle the fight I would definitely loose.

Jakob's illusions surrounds and circle Sanji. The real one is definitely there as another slice appears on his arms and chest. Sanji noticeably smirks. Huh? Why would he smirk when he is getting hurt? His leg catches on fire and he kicks, spinning in a circle, dissipating many of the illusions and kicking Jakob in the face. Bullseye! He is sent flying across the room and several of the illusions flicker before getting their form back. Not a victory then but a start. He kicks where Jakob landed, not hesitating as he goes through illusions, managing to kick the knife from his hand.
"Fuck!" Jakob screeches. "You broke my damn wrist!"
"And you were trying to stab me, asshole, kidnapped people and helped hurt my friends!" he retorts. "You're getting off lightly!" With that he kicks him in the temple, sending him into a shelf which falls onto him. Yup, he's unconscious. One down, two to go.

One Piece: Grand Endeavoursजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें