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Emotions, from my analysis, are simply not worth the effort when they only cause hardship and pain in the long run. They are suffocating, oppressing and only flatten any drive towards self ambition because you are too busy having feelings distracting you along with the bitter consequences of what they cause. Happiness, joy, whatever you want to call it; they all cause a bitterness when they are snuffed out by poignant experiences which suffocate any light in one's eyes, making anyone wonder if the happiness was ever real in the first place. Alternatively sadness is simply dangerous because people can and will take advantage of it because they know what will hurt you so they use it to destroy you. Sadness is suffocating. It is weakness which is something I do all I can to repress: I am done people using my pathetic weaknesses against me. Fear? The same as sadness but even more so. Fear can be disabling of sanity, self respect whilst turning you into a monster on the path to avoid it. Love, that is just a mystery: I have never truly seen or experienced it: moreover no-one would love an evil monster.

Hope and trust are the cruellest emotions however yet people jump to them like it is a competitive sport. Formally me included but maybe I have finally learned to never let either of them fuck up everything again. Hope raises expectations too high only for failure to plummet that onto the metaphorical concrete, shattering self esteems and any desire to try again. Hope is a chance for you to let yourself down so you give up, finally realizing how worthless you (or, in truth, me) are. Some people deserve hope, people who actually have the ability to do well in life and who are good people. People who are not like me. Trust is asking for people to backstab you, take advantage of you, hurt you or use it to break you into irreparable little shards. The solution, I decided, was to hurt people before they could hurt me. To shut emotions out and do whatever it takes to succeed which turned me into the monster I was avoiding. There has to be a way to repress emotions from everyone but not be monster, right? At least I hope so.

To avoid damaging emotions which burn out everything the safest thing is to avoid relationships as no-one will ever truly care. If you have any kind of relationship with people then they have any opportunity to hurt you. I have tried having relationships, friendships... whatever you want to call them... but each time they have only caused issues, leading to a lot of pain which hopefully I have finally learned from. Most relationships are there for convenience and I will never have one which is healthy because no-one has ever cared

So, clearly, no one ever will. 

This story is dedicated to 
She really helped me with this, especially as we did a lot of it together. Oh, Danni is her oc if you are wondering :) 

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