I'm happy as long as You're Happy

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I woke up really early, maybe around 2:30 AM. I was planning on bringing Nayeon to a beautiful place where we can watch the sunrise together. I was really excited so I did my morning routine and changed my clothes. I grab my car keys and hopped on my jeep. I arrived at the hotel for about 3:30 AM, our house is not that far from the hotel it is just 1 hour drive. So I went in and saw Nayeon walking towards the door. I smiled seeing her with her hoodie on. She was about to grab the door open but I grabbed the door first, so I opened it for her

Nayeon: Thank you so much! (She said while bowing).
Y/N: It's my pleasure Miss Nayeon! (I said happily)

Then she left, She left me. I was kinda feeling sad about it that she didn't recognized me but I don't want to stop there. Maybe she didn't recognize me because she was bowing (that was my assumptions). I followed her secretly, I know this is disrespectful and I'm being a creep right now but I'm curious what'll she do when she's alone. I saw her slowly looking for some stuff at the street store. A tall guy approached her, she held his hand and ran. I want to follow them but my feet won't let me do it,
-I'd have to risk it even though it hurts, as long as I can see her happy I'll also be happy. (i said mentally)-
I kept following them until they stopped at the bench that was facing the beach and the sun that's rising. I watched them while my heart was being strucked, it was being torn to pieces.
-I can't handle the pain, I must return to the hotel and wait for them to arrive so we can continue the tour (I said mentally let out a huge sigh)-
I wasn't really looking at my direction, I let my feet drag me towards my destination. Meanwhile, a shout snapped me back to reality I was outside the hotel. As I enter, Nayeon's manager was scolding her but as soon as
Nayeon's words came out. I cut her words off.

Y/N: I'm sorry manager-nim, it was me who let Nayeon out. I said that it was okay since Hawaii is also safe even if it's early or late at night (I said while my head is down).
Manager: I'm disappointed Y/N! Very very disappointed! (I saw him grabbed his phone)

My phone buzzed. When I opened it, it was the ratings for our store.

Manager-nim of Twice rated the store
1 out of 5 stars

As soon as I got the notification, my heart became more broken. The store is very important to me, I want to keep the good ratings for the store but I couldn't. I'm such a disappointment! A BIG DISAPPOINTMENT. I want to go out of here, but as a sign of respect I gave them my best smile, gave them 'shaka' sign, and lastly saying 'Aloha'. While doing this I saw Nayeon, pitying me.
-Please Nayeon look away, I don't want you pitying me. I'll be happy if you're happy. I'll try(I said mentally while looking at her)-
I got out and ran while wiping my tears. I quickly got on my jeep and cried. As soon as I was done I drive to my secret place to get comfort. I made sure that no one saw me. This place is where I payed all my hard work from the store. I made this and it brings me comfort, it's hidden because of the tall trees around it. I don't want any children to be left all alone. So that's why I built this, Jade's House for the Lost World. It's for those children who were alone all of their lives. I know, I kept these children as a reflection of myself but one thing is for sure. I'll love them and care for them like my Hyung did for me.

Y/N had this built just to make him forget his past. It brings him comfort especially when his down and sad, once he see the smiles of the lost children he can instantly forget his problems that he was facing. When Y/N and Park Seo-Joon moved in Hawaii, Y/N couldn't sleep and is still bothered by the fact that some of the children were also left out just like him. At the age of 17, he worked to gain money to build their business and that is 'The Store', with good reputation and ratings from the guests they gained more and built a hotel. Their business grew and grew and it became more popular especially to those tourists that were finding for a good rating tourist guide and a cheap hotel room. So when he gained money, he planned on building an orphanage secretly. He made this a secret because he wasn't ready for the children to be adopted one by one. Once his ready he'll end up saying goodbye to his happy place.

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