DI: 43

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"Ight, wassup YouTube ah nigga don't really know what he doing but I'm finna prank my baby" I smiled before licking my lips and grabbed the condom that sat beside me. Amora was home getting some rest since she was tired from her birthday party and I was bored so I was finna prank her ass.

"She home so imma call her ass and tell her to come over the condom gon be somewhere on the bed and when she see it her stupid ass gon turn up" I chuckled as I pictured her reaction I was preparing myself to get beat on but its all good. I set the phone against the window that was by the bed and showed them, me opening the condom wrapper and taking it out.

"Im finna throw the condom away and keep the wrapper halfway under the covers so it's noticeable" I did what I said I was finna do and rubbed my hands together. "Aight y'all I'm done setting that shit up so I'm finna call her" ending the video I clicked her contact and pulled my phone to my ear. It ringed two times before shuffling came through the phone.

"Yo, baby" she yawned in the phone.


"Come over man I miss you" I did miss her she always at my house and today she wasn't I was having withdrawals. She yawned again and I sat down, raking my hand through my hair. "Youn miss a nigga" I asked with my eyebrows scrunched up.

"Mmcht give me a few minutes" I chuckled when she hung up the phone she hated getting woken up out of her sleep. Turning the camera back on I set it up in a good place and waited for her to come. About twenty minutes later she walked through my room door with some shorts and one of my tees that I gave her. Laying in the bed I put on den of thieves and looked at her as she slowly walked to the bed looking half dead.

"You straight" I asked putting the remote down then looking at her when I seen her get closer to where the condom was I wiped my nose and tried my hardest not to laugh.

"Yeah I'm just tired" she said lowly, lifting up the cover to get in the bed. The room got quiet as hell I couldn't even hear her breathing I was starting to get bubble guts in my stomach. I looked at her and watched as she stayed in the same position with an unfazed look on her face.

"Getcho' ass in the bed what you doing" I asked.

"Ezekiel, I'm tired okay?" She said looking at me I seen the look on her face and almost laughed. "It's too fucking early for this shit why you got a condom in your bed" she lifted the opened wrapper and threw her phone and keys on the nightstand. I looked at it and shrugged my shoulders.

"Ion know where that came from" I said looking at her. She took off her slides and put her hand on her hip.

"Ezekiel imma ask you one more time before I turn up in this bitch where it come from" she threw the wrapper on the bed and bent over fixing her ponytail.

"Man we used that shit the other day" I sucked my teeth and looked back at the tv.

"At first you didn't know where it came from now we used it" she chuckled. "Do we use fucking condoms bruh!?" She yelled, lifting her foot and putting it on the railing of the bed.

"You tripping man" she jumped on the bed and sent a fist across my face causing me to groan.

"Say it again bitch ain't I just told you I'm fucking tired and you wanna play fucking games" she shouted in my face as I looked at her with a mug on my face. I knew she was gon hit me but damn.

"Ian gon lie you hit me again imma fuck you up"

"What bitch you had in here say something I don't like and imma go in your shit Ezekiel I swear to god" she got off the bed and I took that as an opportunity to stand up. We were standing on opposite sides of the bed, looking at each other.

"Answer my fucking question dude if you fucked a bitch just say that you know we don't use condoms ice you didn't even have enough respect to throw the shit away and the condom itself is missing, are you fucking serious" she asked her voice was starting to crack a little bit I wanted to end it but I kept it going. "Just be a real ass nigga for once"

"Ight you wanna know the truth I fucked a bitch" I shrugged my shoulders. She relaxed her shoulders and kept looking at me. "Oh you quiet now" I chuckled and started to walk to the bathroom before I could get there she was on my ass like white on rice. She started taking off on my ass I couldn't even catch her damn hands them bitches was quick.

"Chill Amora, chill" I chuckled and I guess that made her madder cause she was hitting me harder than before. Her back was against the dresser while I held her wrist trying to get her tight grip from off my hair.

"Where that hoe at get her on the phone" she took her other hand and starting hitting me on my head, mumbling inaudible words. "Got me fucked up" she used he lower half to push my body off of her and it worked she let go of my hair and hit me dead in my eye.

"Bitch I been real with you and this how you fucking do me huh?" She sobbed while pointing at herself. "I didn't do shit to you and you wanna fucking cheat on me nigga, meee!" She squatted on the floor and covered her face with her hands, crying loud as fuck. I walked up to her and grabbed her arms lifting her to her feet.

"I can't believe you ice why you do this to me" she cried more and stomped her foot on the floor. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried in my chest.

"Bae it's a joke stop crying I was just playing" she cried louder and I chuckled before pulling back and forcing her to look at me. "It's a joke the camera right over there" she turned around and looked at where I was pointing she sucked her teeth and pushed me away from her, going into the bathroom.

"Shit" I touched my eye and shook my head, grabbing the phone I sighed and laughed. "Ay ion think imma do this shit no more this y'all last time seeing me cause she just beat my ass but y'all do that shit they be doing like the video and subscribe or whatever" I ended the video and put the phone in my pocket. She came out of the bathroom and sniffed I grabbed her and kiss her on the lips.

"Where you get that condom from we don't use then so where it come from" she asked with her eyes squinted. Yeah, that's my last time playing with her ass Ian want this shit to fuck our relationship up.

"Before I met you I never fucked a female raw I just never thought to throw them away"

"Wow lucky me" she stepped around me and I sighed I see imma have to make it up to her.

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