DI: 59

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Waking up, I looked around and seen I was in Hope's bed I tried lifting up but her body was plastered on top of mines making it difficult for me to move. The sliding door that was in her room made it possible for me to see how it looked outside it was dark. Blowing a breath I gently pulled her off of me and slid out the bed. I walked to the kitchen and filled a pot up with water, put it on the stove then let it heat up. Placing the bottle inside the water I waited for a good five to ten minutes until it got warm. I looked at the baby monitor and seen Josiah sound asleep in his bassinet, walking into his room I turned on the light and looked at him.

This was my son I was looking at the love that I have for him is unconditional and indescribable. I put the bottle down and grabbed one of his diapers and wipes before picking him up and putting him on the changing bed. Undoing his onesie I chuckled when his pacifier fell out of his mouth leaving it wide open with slob coming down. He slept like he had a full time job.

Hope and I didn't really have too many issues with Josiah he was really quiet until he got hungry or cold other than that he's either asleep or up staring at everything, being nosey. I didn't understand why she called twenty four seven saying she needed help cause when I come around he's not giving me no problems. That made me think about what my baby was saying about Hope wanting to just be around me but, I did want to be around my son every second of the day.

"I'm sorry papa daddy gotta wipe you down" I wiped him down with the cold wipe and seen his lip start to jump, he started to cry. "Daddy sorry" I chuckled and lifted his arm up, wiping under them.

"Ight I'm done, I'm done" he stopped crying once I finished and I changed his diaper. Finishing up with that I picked him up and sat in the rocking chair, putting the bottle in his mouth. I pulled out my phone and sighed when the time read three o'clock, I had missed calls from Amora and text messages. Since he was so small I was able to feed him with the same arm I was holding him with.

I've called you so many times Ice it's ridiculous ion know you probably don't want yo girl to know I'm calling you but it's okay I understand you want to be with her, you can, y'all can have y'all lil family me and mines gon be okay mora.

You treat me so bad Ezekiel like I haven't done shit to you it's ten o'clock you been gon since six dawg no call, no text nothing to let me know your okay bruh I'm worrying and stressed out because I feel like your falling out of love with me and if you are tell me please mora.

You know what maybe this was a mistake, maybe dealing with you was a mistake I'm sorry for getting pregnant you could've just told me this wasn't what you wanted I would've made it easy for you but now I'm stuck I appreciate everything you've done for me, I appreciate you for making me feel something I haven't for a long time mora.

Wow that didn't even make you respond I definitely get you now I cooked there's food on the stove I love you ice mora.

I burped Josiah and put him back into his bassinet, watching him fall asleep before walking back into Hope's room to let her know I was leaving.

"Okay are you coming back" I shook my head.


"Why not I can't do this by myself ice" she rubbed her eyes before lifting up. I sucked my teeth and looked at her. "You don't remember what you said at the hospital" she said.

"Yeah I remember and I been keeping my fucking word abandoning my girl while she pregnant with my child" she jerked her head back before getting out of the bed, walking over to me. "Josiah barely do shit all papa do is sleep he only cry when it's too cold or he hungry yo silly ass think you slick" I pointed my finger at her.

"What are you talking about all I want from you is to spend time with your son" she crossed her hands over her chest and I nodded my head.

"I'm with him every fucking day doing nothing cause he don't do shit a few hours won't hurt shit a couple days won't either you tryna take advantage cause I'm new to this shit but Ian no dumb ass nigga Hope act like youn know" I walked out of her room and she followed me.

"My lady was right about yo ass" I chuckled.

"What that bitch said about me because she doesn't know shit" I stopped in my tracks and swiped my nose.

"Ay, watch yo fucking mouth real shit take yo duck ass in the house and watch my fucking son" I got in my car and slammed the door in her face. She dropped her arms from her chest and walked to the front of my car, kicking it. "This bitch" I got out and walked over to her, wrapping my hand around her throat I squeezed.

"Don't fucking play with me Hope I should've been gave it to yo ass for pulling that opp ass shit with yo daddy but I spared you so my son could have a mother" tears formed in her eyes. "To be real ion give a fuck about you bitch you just made me a father ion love you now do what I said and take yo silly ass in the house"

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