DI: 12

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The weekend had reached and it couldn't be any worse. My mother did not live up to her word instead she went out with her "friends" to get drunk. The one time that we actually have time to be with each other she decides to be with other people. I know my mom loves me but sometimes the shit that she does makes me wonder. Wiping my eyes I got up and went into my bathroom to wet my face.

Lucky for me I had someone who could make me feel a little better. Ice has been communicating with me non-stop he gave me so much attention and I'm loving it. The day I did his hair we had so much fun after I was done he stayed and I didn't even have to ask he got comfortable and we just talked.

I know to some people it might not be much but to me it is. When I was with Kai he didn't want to do anything but argue and fuck. Don't get me wrong we had our days when we would go out woot da woot but other than that we didn't do anything.

Checking my phone I read the text ice sent me telling me to come outside. Putting on my furry  slides I dashed through the house and opened the front door, walking over to his car I smiled. He was leaning against the hood of his car with his face buried in his phone.

"Wassup" he pulled me into him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Another thing we had grown closer than I intended but I wasn't complaining. "You been crying" he asked wiping his thumb under my eyes where bags formed.

"Ezekiel I really don't wanna get into that" he literally noticed every little detail about me. If I'm crying, hungry, happy whatever it is he notices.

"Get into what Amora" sighing I braced myself for an unnecessary argument. "Get into what" he brought me into him some more.

"I'm just irritated" my voice came out softer than usual. "Me and my momma was supposed to go on a date but she went out with her friends" looking up at him he pressed his lips against my forehead. That was his way of comforting me without saying words.

"don't let that shit stress you Ight she probably forgot" he wiped my eyes. "Stop all that crying man for real" hugging me I put my hands over my face and cried into his chest. It was starting to feel like my mom never made time for me and it's so exhausting and stressful.

"Come on let me take you somewhere" getting into the passenger seat of his car I put on my seatbelt as he cranked it up. We pulled out of the driveway and headed to wherever he was taking me.


Feeling myself being woken up I squinted my eyes and looked forward. It was a nice house that I'm guessing is his. We got out of the car and the porch light came on as we approached the door. The cold air hit me as we entered his house and it was impressive.

"I like it" he chuckled as we walked to the back. He opened a door and cut the light on.

"This is really nice" looking at him with raised eyebrows I was pretty surprised at how neat it was. Sitting on the bed I pulled a him and took off my shoes then threw the pillows on the couch so I could get under the covers.

"You cold" he asked me taking off his jewelry and going into the dresser, pulling out some clothes. I shook my head and turned on the t.v.

"Order some food whatever you want" he closed the bathroom door and I squealed under my breath. This man was making me feel so good on the inside he made my days brighter. Going online I ordered two plates of griot I was craving for some Haitian food. Turning on Netflix I put on this show called The 100.

Minutes later Ice came out the bathroom with a white beater and Jim shorts. Sizing him up and down real nasty nasty images popped up in my head. Diverting my attention back to the t.v I tried not smiling when he laid in the bed next to me.

"You ordered food" I nodded my and he looked at the t.v. "What the fuck you watching"

"The 100" Mumbling, he rolled over on my side and put his body on top of mines. Chuckling I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso. He put his head in my neck and I continued watching the show while rubbing my hands through his braids. Looking down I heard soft snores so I grabbed my phone from beside me and took a quick picture.

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